Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt7

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"We need to talk you know?" He asked not taking his gaze off of me. "I know" I whispered "don't be scared" he replied lifting my chin so I had eye contact with him! " Don't be scared baby it will be our secret no one will know. OK? I won't tell anyone... If you agree to marry me! Not right away but in the near future?" What do I say? If I say yes I'm safe from people knowing what I've done and trapped forever! If I don't ill most probably end up locked up and alone forever! I know what I have to do I know what my answer is.........

*** CHAPTER 7 ***

Amie's POV:

Say No!! The voice in my head screamed!

He'll tell everyone what I did I can't risk it! Can I?

You say yes and your life is over! You'll be left with nothing! You'll be that person you was before! Do you want that? Do you want only me to talk to? The voice in your head!!

NO! I want you to shut up! Shut up and go away! I mentally cursed the voice!

I looked up from my hands and into Clayton's face, "I-I-I can't Clay." I whispered afraid he might hear but at the same time hoping he'd hear and leave me alone!

"What did you say?" Clayton answered in a tone that I didn't recognise. "I said I ca-" SLAP! I felt the tears at the brim of my eyes. Yeah smart move Amie his really going to let you go!

"Amie....., baby! You see this?" Clayton said lifting his shirt and pointing to a scar just under his left rib. "This is called I LOVE YOU!" He said pointing at me. "Do I need to say anymore? Or are you done playing your stupid games? Now what do you say?"

I wiped the tears that had escaped "Yes Clayton, I'm sorry" I replied Defeated!

Clayton had the biggest smile on his face he came forward and knelt down in front of me taking my hands in his, "That's a good girl" he said as his lips met mine. I felt sick but I knew that if I didn't kiss him back it would be more then a slap I'd receive if I didn't do as he asked.



I woke up to the smell of bacon mmmm I hope there are scrambled eggs with that bacon! I'm starving! I stretched in my king size bed! Arghhh such a nice bed! I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. "Morning my beautiful hubby!" I said in a sing song voice.

"Good morning my beautiful wifey and of course my beautiful baby" he said as he put both hands on my rather large stomach!

"Errr Simon don't touch the bump! I'm all hot and moody! Give me Bacon a Eggs asap!" I said with a grin on my face! 

"Bacon and Eggs are already on the table waiting for you Hun! I swear that's all you eat! Can't even get you to eat Pizza and that's your favorite! Or should I say was" Simon said laughing! 

"I love your bacon and eggs that's my new favorite meal! What can I say the baby loves his daddy's cooking! Not my fault its the only thing you can cook!" I said cheekily! 

"Mmm your lucky I love you so much, I may have cried if someone else said my cooking was bad hahaha"


"I'll be back!" Simon said trying and failing to sound like the terminator! I giggled and followed behind him, I should probably get dressed arghh I can wait! Simon opened the door, I felt like my ears were blocked there was two loud popping noises Simon fell to the floor blood coming from the corner of his mouth! I looked up to the person who had just shot the love of my life!  

Clayton stood there with a evil smile on is face! He pointed the gun he was holding to my face " I told you baby, if I can't have you noone can" he said as he pulled the trigger 

***** DREAM ENDS *****


My alarm clock went off! Damn! It was another nightmare! I seem to be having nightmares all the time now! I put the alarm on snooze and look down at the still sleeping Clayton, its been nearly a week since I agreed to marry him! Its been a week of hell! A week of no Simon! No friends! Its hard but I'll just have to get used to it?......

A/N hey guys sorry I don't like this chapter much slight writers block! If you disagree please do vote and comment! Thanks for reading! X Mimzy1 x

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