Broken Walls.... Broken Heart Prt 25

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Clayton Came closer to me putting a hand on either side of my head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted. I just can never say what I mean and when I try to it comes out all wrong. I'm Sorry. What I was trying to say before was Im glad you told me now instead of back then. I know 100% that I would have hurt you without a seconds thought were as now i'm different I've changed and I want to be in Paula's life more and maybe one day if you can forgive me then maybe you will let me back in your life and we can be happy again?"

I closed my eyes, did he really just say that? Usually it would have been a beating, has he really changed? Has Clayton really changed for Paula... And Me??....

**** Chapter 25 ****

Clayton's POV:

I think I'd finally gotten threw to her that I was a changed guy. I was still standing infront of her my hands on either side of her head resting on the cold brick wall.

Amie seemed to be deep in thought, I wonder what she was thinking. I had meant what I had said to her, I really did want to be there and be a good father to Paula. But most of all I wanted to be there for Amie and proove that I had changed for her. I just wanted to be happy with the two females I cared for more then life itself.

I took a step back putting my arms down, this seemed to break Amie from her thoughts. She stood there starring into my eyes. I could have sworn I saw the same desire in her eyes as she had before she kissed me last night, but as soon as it was there it was gone and replaced with what looked like guilt?

"Clay" She said barely above a whisper, luckily for me I was looking at her or I might have missed her calling my name.

"Yeah?" I replied

Amie bit her lip nervously "Your going to be angry but I don't want to lie or hurt you, and by me not saying your going to get hurt" She babbled on.

"Just tell me, I wont get angry I promise"

"I-I- Err I'm seeing someone.." She whispered her breathing picking up as she started to fiddle with the hem of her top.

I could feel the anger building up inside me but I had made her a promise and i knew that I had to keep it! My heart felt as though someone had honestly ripped it out and stomped on it. Sighing I took a step away from Amie "Can I still see Paula?" I asked feeling slightly nervous that this was her way of saying my daughter already has a dad and doesn't need me! Amie frowned, guess thats a no I thought to myself.

"Clay I want her to have you in her life, I just? I don't want her to be hurt or feel scarred or any of those feelings you made me feel!" She replied calmly, the shaking in her voice from earlier now gone.

"I won't ever hurt her and im sorry I ever made you feel that way. I err I should probably go and leave you to do what you need to do" I said as I took a step back, I'm sure I saw a bus stop on the way in earlier maybe if I go back that way....

"CLAYTON!!" I heard Amie screaming my name, her voice sounding full of pain. A car that had been speeding round to the hospital had hit me hard, I felt as though I was floating in the air... That was until I felt my body hit the concrete and pain surge threw my body.

I could hear Amie screaming in the background and screeching tires. I struggled to open my eyes but after what seemed like forever I finally got them to open.

"Your going to be fine Clay just stay awake!" Amie cried, I wanted to wipe away her tears and let her know that it would all be fine but the pain had numbed my body and I was now unable to move.

"Baby stop crying im OK" I chocked out as it suddenly felt harder to breathe.

I saw one of the nurses rushing out but she stopped at someone else who was on the floor, I dont remember anyone being around?

Suddenly a light was flashed infront of my eyes as someone called my name, thats when I saw her face.... "Mum?!" I said, my voice cracking as I starred at the woman that stood infront of me.

"Your going to be OK" she said just as I felt my body give in a let the darkness take over me.....


Amie's POV:

One minute he was infront of me the next he was in the air being thrown half way down the road! The sound of his body hitting the car and then hitting the floor with an almighty crack made me feel sick to the bones, making me scream his name out as loud as my lungs would let me.

I can't believe that this was happening! As Clayton's body hit the floor I ran over to him "Your going to be fine Clay just stay awake!" I cried as Clayton looked into my face.

"Baby stop crying im OK" he replied, sounding breathless. I heard some shouting behind me and turned to see some nurses running out behind but stopping at the entrance to help a woman that was now laying pretty lifeless on the floor.

The car that had knocked Clayton down had thrown the woman out of the car after hitting and then speeding off leaving them both for dead!

"Mum?!" Clayton's voice cracked

Mum? Why was he calling mum? his mum was dead, O Gosh! His going to die! I've wished him dead for so long but now im getting my wish I don;t think that I can let him go. Please don;t leave us I thought to myself.

"Your going to be OK" A female voice interrupted my thoughts.

I didn't even noticethat some paramedics had come over. I wasthed as they worked on Clay, his eyes now starting to close. God is giving me what I asked for... for Clayton to die and leave me and Paula to be happy, But why don't I fell happy?.....




:D ooo I uploaded again yay!... 26 is ready to be uploaded but I'll leave you all to get over Claytons... Accident?.... Hmmmmm

Mimzy1 x

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