Broken Walls.... Broken Heart Prt 16

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I felt like an idiot for feeling sorry for him but at the same time this was the man that I had given my heart to, this was the man that I knew I still loved! For some reason this time felt different this time felt like he would actually change!

"Clay" I whispered his name into his ear as his head snuggled closer into the crook of my neck. "You can meet her, but only after I've seen you make an effort to get help!" I said, I don't know if this was the right thing to do yet but I should give him a chance right...

**** Chapter 16 ***

Amie's POV:


I rolled onto my side picking up my Blackberry! "I'm soooo glad I have you back" I said out loud to my phone, It was Shaz! Gosh it's been forever!

"Amie! You trap! Where av u bin hidin?!"

I smiled at my phone as I started to reply! "You want the drama filled version? Or short n to the point?!" I replied

"Details Love n don't leave anything out! It's been to bloody long!"

OK! But you asked for it... Well my physco ex who I thought Id killed came back and I've been victim to his angry outbursts!

He beat me to the point were I fort F!ck it! So I got the biggest knife in the draw and slit my wrists!

I'm now in a psychiatric hospital but should be out sometime this week! Been in here for about a month...

O and I have a daughter that's in hospital because her dad my fiancé was violent during my pregnancy! Not that he knew that I was pregnant :S! I think that's everything...

Yeah right! Like I'm going to tell her all that!

"My Ex Fiancé is in town and we're kind of going threw some unresolved issues! I'm a bit crap right now had a breakdown" More like Beat down I think to myself as I continue writing " I did something stupid and am in hospital but should be out sometime this week!" SEND!

I sat patiently waiting for Sharon to reply. It's been sometime since I've had my phone on Clayton brought it and left it with the Dawn early this morning.

Clayton hasn't really been around the last two weeks! He has been attending an anger management course, and is now in counselling!

I'm really proud of him for taking that step to better him self! He really wants to see Paula and his making changes so he can do that, although I am still a bit nervous about him seeing her.


I couldn't help but laugh at the reply I got! "Really Shaz? Just a shocked face? : P"

"Sorry! I don't know what to say? Fiancé?! You kept that 1quiet! R U to getting bck 2gether? Or are you 2gether? Do you love him? When you're out me and you will have to meet up! And if you need to talk I'm here! I wont bother you and ask for details you can tell me when ya redi babe ok!"

Gosh! I hadn't thought about that! Are me and Clayton together? I love him but not the same as before or at least I don't think I do! I mean since his been sorting him self out I feel like I'm getting the old Clay back, The Clay that I loved!

I push my thoughts about loving Clayton aside and get back to replying to Sharon who has started PINGING me!

"Thanks babe! Its nice to av some1 not pressure me for more info! Yeah I do love him we have a history, to be honest with you I don't know what we are right now? I mean his living with me but I don't know? I don't think we're together :S"

"Hey ducky! Your consultant is on the ward today and would like a quick chat with you if that's OK?" Dawn said her head popping round the now open door.

"Sure" I said as I quickly messaged Sharon a quick "Gotta go! Spk later! Xx"


I double checked the room again making sure I hadn't left anything behind!  The consultant had agreed to let me go home and asked for Home Treatment Team to come to my home daily to make sure I was getting on OK.

I made my way to the Nurses station to collect my medication to take home and made sure to thank Dawn and the rest of the staff for their support while staying.

"I hope I don't see you again dear! Well not in here at least!" Dawn whispered in my ear as she gave me a hug. "You be sure to look after yourself and that young man of yours" She said as she patted me on the back. I nodded and thanked her again before leaving.

As I made my way out to the entrance I looked up to the sky and smiled, it was pretty nice out today I'm glad I got out on such a good day. I feel as though things may just be looking up for the better!

I smiled to myself as I pulled out my phone, who should I call to come and collect me? I went to phone book and scrolled down unsure if I should call him to pick me up :S

"Hey it's me! Can you come and pick me up?"...

A/N Thanks everyone that's been waiting patiently! I hope it was worth the wait! Be sure to comment and Vote! I'll be uploading the chapter 17 and possibly chapter 18 tomorrow!

Mimzy1 xx

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