Broken Walls.... Broken heart prt6

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A/N this chapter is being uploaded for emt_wanna_b18 thanks for commenting I Hope you enjoy the chapter!  

Mimzy1 xx

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stroked his hair and whispered that everything would be alright even though I knew that as long as he was in my life nothing would be right and all I'd have left of Simon would be distant memories! I looked down at the now sleeping Clayton and felt sick at the man who had broken my walls and broke my heart!......

Chapter 6!

Clayton's POV:

She makes me so angry at times! Just the way she looks at me p!sses me off! I don't like them girls she hangs around with that will soon change! She has no choice she either marries me or I let spill on her little secret! I love her so much it hurts! The thought of her with anyone else but me make my blood boil! Its been a year since I've seen her she hid well but not well enough! I got hold of her mum a few months back and decided to play the I'm clearing out her things and need a address card! It worked luckily for me and now I'm here with my baby! She'll get used to the change I don't like the clothes she's wearing! The fact that another man can see her cleavage does not set right with me! I know she still loves me. I'll protect her and look after her she won't ever want for nothing! I smile at this, she's mine again!

Amie's POV:

Its been a hour since Clayton fell asleep on my lap, his head isn't light, I can feel pins and needles starting in my legs from the weight of his head but I don't move I just stay there and look at him sleeping. What happened to him?


Arghhh! I hate waiting in these ques! All I want is my Hot chocolate! The Que is long n there's only one person on the till!! After a 20minute wait I finally reach near to the till only 2more people in front! Yay! I think I deserve a double chocolate fudge muffin as well! I smile at the thought of this! "Next" the cashier calls... "Hi I'll have a hot chocolate extra chocolate sprinkles and cream please, o and a double choc fudge muffin!" I pay the cashier and look around for a seat arghh those armchairs look to good to be true I quickly dash for the now vacant armchair but as I do someone has the same idea!

My hot chocolate goes everywere! And me? I slip slide smack bang on top of the guy that was racing for MY armchair! I can feel my face heat up at the position we've landed in! 

As I start to get up I slip again this time my full body weight landing on him! I feel his body shaking beneath me as he struggles to keep in the laughter! "This is not funny! I was lookin forward to my chocolate!" I said with a frown on my face! I carefully stood up and started to walk to the toilets with the guy hot on my heels! "Hey miss? When your done I've already ordered and paid for another hot chocolate n muffin for you seeing as it was my fault, sorry about that." He said shyly.

I finally got a good look at the idiot that ruined my hot choc n cho muffin moment, Wow! His ermm his hot! His around 6"5, light brown almond shaped eyes, with a tanned complextion, I could see the outline of his perfect abs from here!

"Miss are you ok?" He asked in a concerned voice. Crap! I was totally checking him out I hope he didn't notice! "Errm i-i-I'm fine thanks and thanks for the chocolate you didn't have to!" 

"I wanted to" he replyed with the most gorgeous smile I'd ever seen! I found myself grinning as I walked into the bathroom! Wow! Just wow! His hot! I cleaned my top and hurried out to get to my now probably cold hot chocolate!

As I stepped out the toilets the cashier called me over and handed me a fresh drink n muffin along with a napkin. I sat down in the armchair and smiled to myself! What a day! I started picking at the muffin and was about to wipe my fingers on the napkin when I saw a note: 

My name is Clayton, it was nice bumping into you maybe I could join you for a chocolate sometime? I'll be here the same time tomorrow! Clayton! X 

I couldn't help but smile at his note same time tomorrow I think I'll be there!


I find myself smiling at the memory of our first encounter, I look down at my lap at the man I let in and wonder what happened to that guy? Clayton was awake and staring at me for god knows how long?I found the corners of my mouth turning up into a smile as I stroked his cheek, he sat up straight and cupped the hand that was on his face, while planting small kisses along my jawline! I felt my body tense which I think he noticed to because he stopped and look me in the eyes with a expression full of sorrow? Nahh it couldn't be that? I don't know!

"We need to talk you know?" He asked not taking his gaze off of me. "I know" I whispered "don't be scared" he replied lifting my chin so I had eye contact with him! " Don't be scared baby it will be our secret noone will know. Ok? I won't tell anyone... If you agree to marry me! Not right away but in the near future?" What do I say? If I say yes I'm safe from people knowing what I've done and trapped forever! If I don't ill most probably end up locked up and alone forever! I know what I have to do I know what my answer is.........

Oooww a cliffy! What do you think she's going to answer?!  

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