Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt 10

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Hey Guys so this is Chapter 10 yay me! Please note that this is restricted and has some scenes with violence!! You have been Warned!

**** RECAP ****

I flinched as I felt a something warm on my cheek! I hadn't realised that I had started crying, Simon wiped the tears away and brought me into a hug! I squeezed him as tight as I could afraid to let him go! 

"I'm so so sorry!" I cried into his chest! His familiar smell of Davidoff's cool water filling my nostril's!

" Ssshhh! Its ok!" He whispered into my ear.

I felt myself calm I think I needed to tell him the truth! I think I needed to tell Simon my big secret?!....

~ ~ ~ ~ CHAPTER 10 ~ ~ ~ ~

It had been an hour since Id bumped into Simon we had made our way back to his car. I looked into the mirror at my now blotchy face, my eyes were bloodshot, and my head was pounding. I looked and felt like sh!t!

"You wanna tell me whats going on?" Simon asked, the worry evident in his eyes

I nodded yes "I'll tell you everything but you have to promise to listen and not interrupt me! Promise me!"

"OK I promise" Simon Replied

I looked down at my hands and started from the beginning....

"Its been a year since Ive seen my fiance..." I started just as Simon interrupted "Fiance?!" He said as a frown appeared on his face "You said you wouldn't interrupt!" I said scolding him "Go on" he said not looking me in the face but looking straight ahead at nothing.

"Its been a year since I've seen my fiance I didn't think id see him again! He was supposed to be dead!!"

**** FLASHBACK ****

Clayton was screaming at me yet again! Today however I didn't feel as though I cared. I hadn't cooked the right food, Silly me! "Are you even f!cking listening to me Amie?" He said threw clenched teeth. Sh!t when did he get that close? It makes me feel nervous when his standing so close to me! "O got ya attention now have I?" I knew it was a rhetorical question so i just let him carry on with his rant. He walked over to the sink. O crap please don't let there be anything in there that he can use against me! I thought to myself

"Give me your hand Amie!" He said in a tone that told me i was going to get a beating! Great! Its only been a couple of days since the last beating I'd received! I slowly walked over to were he was standing and placed my hand in his! "So f!cking glad you could join me babe! Out of Lala land now aye?!" He said while grinning that evil grin! He reached into the sink and pulled out a pan? He let out a chuckle just as he smashed it into my hand! "You don't listen!" He screamed in my face! "I" Smash! "don't" Smash! "Like!" Smash! "Beef!" He shouted before smashing the pan one last time onto my hand!I screamed in pain! It wasn't just in my hand the pain shot up my arm! I felt the bile rise in my throat and swallowed it down, the sobs coming out harder. This seemed to annoy Clayton more so i tried to control the sobs but it didn't seem to be working the pain was excruciating! I felt myself being flung across the room, my back hitting the fridge! "Always about Amie! You've got some f!cking front to be crying babe! I should be crying I work all f!cking day and come home to you who cant even make me a descent meal?! My stomach is eaten itself I'm so hungry!" He screamed as he kicked me in my ribs repeatedly! I couldn't breathe! He'd kicked me so hard that not even the pain was there anymore!I gasped for air but nothing would come in! Clayton had finally stopped, He ran a hand threw his short cropped hair and sat down opposite me. "see what you make me do baby" He said in a calm voice, he pulled his mobile out of his pocket and started to dial 999 "Hello?! Please! Please! someone help my fiance shes? she cant breathe! Ive just chased to guys from my house shes hurt bad please hurry!" He screamed into the phone, he should have been a f!cking actor! I thought just as I slipped in a welcoming darkness!

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