Broken Walls.... Broken heart Prt 4

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My head is banging! Gosh I haven't had a nightmare like that in a while! I stretch my arms out.. wait.. this doesn't feel like my bed? I open my eyes My brow furrows in confusion! What am I doing on my settee? A hand rests on my shoulder "its OK baby you fainted every things OK" that voice I know that voice, it cant be? This is just a dream right? I swallow the bile that rises in my throat and look up to the voice that was talking!....... Clayton!......

Chapter 4!

Amie's POV:

Clayton?!... He can't be here? How did he find me? O god I'm-I'm going to be sick! With that I watched Clayton's face change as the Pizza I'd eaten earlier landed on his shoes!


No I cant!

Run he'll hurt you again Amie just get out of there! Sh!t where are your keys?

Shut up! I cant think! Stupid voice in my head telling me what to do!

All this time I've been talking to the voice in my head I hadn't realised that Clayton had left the room! Sh!t! I mentally cursed myself! I slowly stood up, My heart was beating so hard I swear the neighbours could hear it!

"Amie!" Clayton called from the kitchen making me jump.

Sh!t sh!t sh!t! Why in Gods name did he have to be in the kitchen were there was sharp objects? O gosh I'm going to die! I'm going to diiieeee!!! I screamed in my head!

"What are you doing?" He said appearing back in the front room with.. O gosh whats in his hand.. a tea towel! Gosh I really need to calm down a tea towel whats he going to do with that whip me? I chuckled out loud but stopped as I saw his face turn serious!

"W-w-what are you doing here?" I stuttered

His serious face turned into a grin, he started walking closer to me I backed up untill I fell back on the settee. Crap!! " Whats the matter with you baby? Something you ate? You seem abit jumpy? let me clean you up" He said as he started to wipe the remaining pizza off of my mouth and clothes.

Why is he acting like nothing happened?!

"What are you doing here?" I said with more confidence, not that I actually felt confident I felt like I was about to fall on the floor roll into a ball and die!

"Your my Fiance Amie why wouldn't I be here? That's a bit of a stupid question don't you think?!" He near shouted in my face making me flinch.

"I-I..." "You know it annoys me when you stutter spit it out already!" He interrupted! I could fill the tears prickling up but I refused to let him see I refused to be that weak Amie that he knew back then!

"I want you to leave" I hissed at him. He laughed that evil laugh that always made my skin crawl! I didn't even see his hand coming, My face stung from the slap that I had just received, a metallic taste of blood in my mouth from my busted lip!

"Now look what you've made me do! Everytime you just have to say something stupid you just have to make me angry!" He scowled at me.

He came nearer to me and had that famous "I'm sorry face" on! I flinched as he wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me into a hug while repeating over and over again how sorry he was!

I Cried hard into his chest, I knew he wouldn't let me go, I'm stuck again! I'm Stuck and there's no way out......

A/N OK guys please don't hate me for having to write this part I just need everyone to see what Amie has been threw and What her secret is.... Ive got the storey all planned out! Amie has been threw allot but I promise it will work out eventually.... Can anyone guess what her secret is? Don't worry it will get better later on just stick it out!! :D

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