Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt 13

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Baby stop talking you've lost a lot of blood your confused! Just relax the ambulance will be here real soon OK!" I said kissing the top of her head

"I didn't want you to hurt her" She kept repeating over and over again.

"Amie stop I'm not going to hurt anyone calm down!" I said bringing her closer to me as we lay on the floor

" You did though" she said as she used all her strength to pull herself up and look me in my eyes! He eyelids barely staying open

"I didn't leave alone Clay! I was pregnant!" She said just as the ambulance crew came running in! She was pregnant when she left me?!......

**** Chapter 13 ****

Amie's POV:

Damn! My head hurts! I slowly open my eyes and look around, the smell of sanitiser n bleach fill my nose. I'm in the hospital? What... Last nights events came flashing back to me... Clayton tried to strangle me! Me finally loosing it and cutting my wrist! I don't remember much after that, Cant believe everything that happened!

I turn and look at the chair beside my bed Gee is laying with her legs over the side while Sabrina is laying on Gee's lap with her arms around her neck! I really wish I had my camera right now hahahaa! I cough loudly making them both jump.

Both of them come running to my bed and embrace me in tight hugs! "Amie what the Fuck do you think you was thinking?!" She whisper yells at me. "I wasn't thinking I'm sorry guys!" I say looking down at my now bandaged wrist.

"I just wanted to escape everything!" I started "Its not easy feeling like this and not being able to talk to anyone and I know that I have you guys and family but its not easy! I feel like a burden! and as much as everyone say yeah well be here for you I don't want to put my problems on every ones shoulders! I'm rally sorry if I've hurt you both I do love you allot!" I looked up to see that both the girls had chunky tears in their eyes!

"You dozy mare! Your problems are our problems Amie! You shouldn't have to go threw them on your own, we are here for you!" Sabrina said, as she came forward for another hug. I just nodded my head in agreement, I knew that I couldn't talk to anyone, its hard for people to understand and to hear when you tell them you've given up! When you say you feel dead inside and like the world would be a better place without you! So I just carried on nodding in agreement and watched as my friends smiled that they had got threw to me... or so they thought

We all talked for a few hours about random things keeping off the subject of what had happened, until the ward nurse came in to tell them both that visiting hours were over. We said our goodbyes and they both promised to come in and see me in the week as I was being kept in a psychiatric ward for observations.

I sat there starring at the ceiling for what seemed like forever, When the nurse came back in "Hello love my name is Dawn, I'm the Head Nurse here so if there's any problems then you can come to me. You came here yesterday with your fiance" My stomach did a somersault at that word 'Fiance' where was Clayton anyway? O well as long as his not near me i thought to myself. Dawn made herself comfortable in the chair beside my bed as she carried on talking. "Poor dear was beside himself, couldn't stop crying at one point we thought we would have to give him something to calm him down, Poor lass!" She finished while shaking her head side to side her frizzy curls falling in her face.

"Where is he now?" I asked my voice shaking slightly, I really hoped he wasn't near at this moment as I didn't feel like I could deal with him at this moment.

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