Broken Walls.... Broken heart Prt5

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A/N So I know a lot of you are wondering who the Hell This psycho but don't worry you will find out! Please keep reading and remember to vote! Mimzy1 xx

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He came nearer to me and had that famous "I'm sorry face" on! I flinched as he wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me into a hug while repeating over and over again how sorry he was!

I Cried hard into his chest, I knew he wouldn't let me go, I'm stuck again! I'm Stuck and there's no way out......

Chapter 5!


Amie's POV:

I woke up in my bed, my face sore, hmm no chance of that being a nightmare! I looked down to see Clayton's arms wrapped protectively around my waist! I pretty much cried myself to sleep last night, its been nearly a year since I've seen him and now his back!

My phone started to ring! Crap! Clayton started to stir I quickly diverted the call! I looked at the screen 3emails and 1 missed call, the missed call was from Gee I always text or call her when I get home she's most probably just checking I'm OK this morning! I quickly scan threw my emails! 2 are junk mail the other is a message from! I quickly check Clayton is asleep still, when I'm satisfied that he won't wake up anytime soon I wriggle out of his tight grip and make my way to the bathroom. I open the message and read:

Hi Amie I really enjoyed our date the other night and am really looking forward to seeing you again soon its been nearly 2months that we've been dating and every time I see you I feel good inside! I know I'm being cheesy but its just the way I feel, anyway I'm looking forward to seeing you again on Friday should I pick you up or do you want to meet at the cinema? This time I get to choose a film your love for horrors is killing my me man me no scared of anything act lol! :) anyway I'm looking forward to seeing you! Simon xx

I released a sigh that I didn't realise I was holding in! I was going to tell the girls at dinner about Simon but I chickened out! We've been dating for 2months and each time I see him I get that warm fuzzy feeling inside! his perfect in every way! And now I'm going to have to let him down Clayton won't leave my side! His possessive of me! As I begin to write back to Simon there's a bang on the door! Crap!! "What are you doing hurry up baby I need to p!ss!" I quickly delete all messages on my phone, I splash some cold water in my face and open the door! 

"Morning beautiful" Clayton purrs, err he makes me feel sick! "Morning" I mumble as I try to walk past him. "Don't I get a kiss good morning?" He replies pulling me in for a kiss! DING DONG! The doorbell goes! O thank goodness! As I'm about to answer the door Clayton nun to rough pulls me back by my arm, great! That's going to leave a bruise I think to myself.  

"Now be a good girl and you'll be ok! You wouldn't want anyone to know your secret would you baby" he says as he plants a kiss on my lips. I use the back of my free hand to wipe his dirty scumbag germs away! 

Clayton walks past me and answers the door, standing there is a stunned Sabrina and Gee!  

"Hello can I help you ladies?" Clayton asks in that smooth I'm better then you voice! Pr!ck! My friends don't mess about both of them walk past him straight up to me, "what's wrong with you? Can you not call us to tell us you got home safe? I nearly hatched a freaking egg worrying about you! You Never not call or text!" Gee said with a lot of hand gestures that always make me laugh... Not today tho 

"I.. Erm I..." " Sorry ladies that was my fault she.." Clayton interrupted but failed as sabrina interuptted " She? She has a name and We" she said pointing at heself and Gee " are having a conversation so how about you be a good gentleman n make me a nice cuppa tea! I take it with 2sugars! Hers is no sugar thanks!" she said before turning her attention back to me! 

I could see Clayton's face turn red with anger! O gosh I'm really going to pay for that later! 5minutes later of me lying to my 2best friends about my phone battery dying Clayton came out with the tea!

"Hey ladies let me introduce myself I'm Clayton Amie's Fiance!" Sooo glad I haven't had a shower yet as both the girls spat their tea out and guess who was sitting in front of them! Me! Hmmm! 

"Her what?!" Gee said making a what the fuck kinda face! "I'm sorry I didn't tell you both this is Clayton he has been away with his company for a year I didn't think hed come back so I didn't think I needed to mention him" I blurted out! 

Both Sabrina n Gee gave each other a look and then looked back at me! I knew they didn't believe me but they would wait for me to talk to them properly when He wasn't around! "O ermm well congratulations then?" Gee said as she got up and gave me a hug! I hugged her tightly scared to let her go. She knew something was up but she knew I'd come to her when I needed to and that now was not the time! 

"Well now we know your ok we're going to do some shopping you still coming?" Sabrina urged " errm I'm really sorry I can't this weekend how about next? I have a lot to talk about with Clayton I said with a fake smile"wincing at the side of my face that had been slapped last night.

After about 20minutes I closed the door on my best friends after telling them everything was fine and waited for Clayton to go into one. 

When I opened my eyes he just stood there with a smirk on his face "I like them they've got attitude! I like that in a woman! Easier to break her when she thinks she's in charge, a bit like you used to be remember baby? Remember those days when you thought you could answer back and act like them" his voice was getting louder as he spoke. "You leave me to hang around with some silly little b!tches with attitude?! I don't think so!" He shouted as he came in front of me grabbing my neck and slamming my back against the door! "You Amie are mine!" I closed my eyes and pretended I wasn't there! 

I could hear him shouting but then my mind went blank


The sun beamed on my skin giving it that healthy glow! Simon and me walking threw St James park! I love that park! Our fingers entwined, I felt happy! It was our 3rd date today and I'm really starting to like him! We find a big tree to lean against with our snacks we bought at a supermarket near the park! We ate drank and chit chatted about everything and anything. I even found out his fear of baked beans hahaha it was such a great day! I had my head rested on his shoulder and felt like nothing could spoil this, "we should probably leave now Hun its getting abit chilly out. " Simon whispered as he kissed the top of my head! "Oooow I don't wanna leave I like it here with you!" I whined, looking up into his green eyes! Simon strokes a few stray hairs out of my face, his hand cupped my cheek as his leaned down to kiss me. His lips were soft and felt like they belonged on mine like he had been made to fit me! Simon looked down at me and smiled "you ready now beautiful?" He said as he stood up leaving his hand out to help me up. "Yeah" I replied smiling back at him," I think I am ready!" I smiled! I'm ready to be happy I thought to myself!


I woke up on my settee again, what happened I thought to myself! What's going on with me fainting so much?! Sitting across from me was Clayton his face in his hands his body shaking with each sob he let out! It had been a long time since I'd seen him cry, and as much as he'd hurt me I still felt the need to comfort him. 

"Clayton?" I whispered "Clayton? Its going to be OK" I said as I sat down beside him. " I'm sorry for hurting you baby! He sobbed as he put his head on my lap "I'm" Sob "soo" Sob "Sorry" I stroked his hair and whispered that everything would be alright even though I knew that as long as he was in my life nothing would be right and all I'd have left of Simon would be distant memories! I looked down at the now sleeping Clayton and felt sick at the man who had broken my walls and broke my heart!.......

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