Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt 14

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I walked over to the chair beside her bed were a pillow lay, picking it up I walked over to her. I cant believe she would hide that she had a child for me! And were is my child? I thought to myself still standing beside her bed.

I moved back toward the chair and sat down, Dawn was right we both needed to catch up on some sleep maybe it would be best I just talking to her about everything in the morning, Yeah Ill talk to her in the morning. I thought to myself as I felt myself drift of into that welcoming darkness........

**** Chapter 14 ****

Amie's POV:

I opened my eyes and felt better for catching up on the much needed sleep! My wrist felt pretty sore as I didn't take any pain relief last night but I've been in worse pain so this wasn't too bad!

I could hear small snores from beside me, im guessing that the girls had come back to see me! I turn over and look at the chair to see Clayton! My smile fades as my breath catches when I see my photo album on his lap! I immediately jumped out the bed and grabbed the photo album away from him none to roughly! Clayton jumped up his eyes wide and childlike, he seemed confused about his where abouts until he looked at me, he reached his arm out to touch me but I quickly moved out of the way. "Don't touch me" I spat threw gritted teeth!

Clayton lowered his head and took a step back "Amie" he started but I quickly interrupted! "Why do you have my album?" I asked as I held the photo album closer to my chest! He looked into my eyes and I could see from the red puffiness that he had been crying, Good! I hope he hurt inside! I hate him soo much!

"I was packing your bag" He said while pointing at a bag beside the chair he had been sitting at. "My phone rang and it feel out of my pocket when I went to answer it! The battery feel in the wardrobe were I spotted the album"

"You looked inside didn't you?" I said barley above a whisper, already knowing the answer.

"Yes I did, She's Beaut-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"I whispered yelled at him trying not to attract any unwanted attention from the nurses!

I sat down on the edge of my bed still clutching the photo album for dear life, I could feel the tears fighting to escape but I tried my best to hold them in. I wouldn't cry in front of him anymore!

I felt the bed dip a little and looked round to see that Clayton had sat on the opposite side of me. He had tears streaking his cheeks, and was freely crying next to me. I felt the need to comfort him but remembered all the times that I had done so and ended up being hurt so I just sat there and stared at him! After a while his crying turned into quiet sobs and he calmed himself down!

"A-a-Amie! Please tell me about her!" He said threw sobs. I opened the album and look at the first picture, It was a picture of me and Clayton when we had first started dating! I took it out the sleeve and passed it too him "You remember this day Clay?" I asked turning my body so I was facing him properly. He nodded. " I was soo happy! I don't remember ever feeling so good? That day I laughed so much that I nearly wet myself actually I think I did wet myself!" I said with a small chuckle at the good memory that I had of us before he turned into this!

Clayton starred at the picture but said nothing, he ran his thumb over my face on the picture a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Your the first man I ever trusted, I ever gave my whole heart to! I let my guard down with you. I Never really thought that I would find someone! Never thought that I would be able to trust anyone! When you parents walk away from you and leave you to fend on your own it kinda makes you wonder if there's any point in relationships and friendships? What makes me think you'd stick around if my parents couldn't? I was sooo afraid to get close to you just in case I got too attached and you left me like the rest!" I said as I wiped away a stray tear that had escaped!

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