Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt2

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Chapter  2!

So its been a week since I've joined and there are a lot of guys that seem to interested but there's also been  really lot of  old crusty men!... Like helloo!!

Today im going out with my girlies Sabina and Gee!

Sabrina is my Lil suga mommy (LOL) she's 5"6 , whenever I need to talk about anything she's there to listen. Sabrina has got a body to die for (Lucky B!!cth!) Her hair is cut in a short trendy way and shes got these beautiful chocolate brown eyes! Sabrina has a mad personality just like mine, she outgoing and is always up for a laugh!

Gee (short for Gemma) is shorter then me, She's 5'4! She is like the devil and angel on my shoulders, She' s is another person I know that if I needed to talk to she be there for me! She has her hair cut just above her shoulders with natural curls, She also has a body to die for she has that hour glass figure that I wish I had! She has a great personality, and don't take no crap from no one!

And then there's me,  I'm 5"8 with chocolate brown eyes, and a short hair cut that apparently looks like a pixies hair cut LOL! I'm the person that has a Big bubbly personality! I've been told that I can make people laugh with my great sense of humour!  I have a alright figure but  think i could ton it up a little!

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So after what felt like  hours of shopping for me we finally went to get something to eat! We all settled to go to Pizza Hut... My Fav!

While waiting for our food we all started chatting about what each other has been up to! I roll my eyes and made a loud Sigh " Whats up with you?"  They both said in sync with each other.

"Its been like a day or two since ive seen you both and you want gossip? You weirdos!" I said trying hard not to laugh at them both at how much they miss me!

 As if they could read my mind both of them answered back 'because we misss yoooou' 

'Aww Thanks girlies' I replied back with one of my award winning smiles! 'Well there is something I wanted to tell you guys' I paused for affect just to annoy them both...

'Weeeeellll?' They both replyed anxious..

'Wellll.... I wanted tell you about..'  "Large Deep Pan Supreme Meat Feast"  The waiter interrupted.

The conversation ended as soon as the pizza was put down in front us! We made small chit chat and when the meal was done we each went home.

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When I finally arrived at my house there was a car in my drive WTF? I got out of my little Golf GTI and stomped over to the car! whoever it was was going to get a ear full from me! I banged on the window and was just about to shout at whoever it was behind the tinted windows!..... When i saw his face How the hell did he find me!......

OK guys 1st of all Happy New Year! I hope you like chapter 2?! 

Who do you think is in the car??

 Thanks everyone for reading Please comment and vote!

xx Mimzy1 xx

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