Broken Walls.... Broken Heart! Prt 35

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Just concentrate on getting out of here! We've got an hour till he comes back so until then we have to work together OK!" Simon said with such authority in his voice that I felt like we might just get out of this... Keyword being might*...

**** Chapter 35 ****

Clayton's POV:

The pain in my leg was excruciating now, I know it was my own fault for laughing but I couldn't help it. Even in such a serious situation Amie still is the same old sarcastic woman. The look on that prick's face when she had said she'd rather die was priceless. He really didn't know her at all.

I sat and listened to Simon calming her down, I felt a twang of jealousy course threw me as I felt like it should be me calming her down not him.

"Amie, everything's going to be fine. I'll figure a way out of this OK?" Simon said but it sounded more like a question

It was obvious we was all thinking the same thing, who's she going to pick?...

"There is no way out of this Si so please just stop saying it." She whispered, her voice sounded so defeated I wanted to shout at her and tell her to do what she's best at.. Fighting! I've never known her to give up and I wasn't going to now. Whatever that prick had given me had not only muted me but had made me feel as though I was on a permanent high.

I tried to speak again but nothing came out. I lay my head back against the wall and let out a long shaky sigh. Amie seemed to notice as I heard her small voice break me out of my thoughts.

"Clay?" She repeated. I looked over to her and tried my best to give her a small smile although I'm not completely sure if it actually worked as my face hurt just as bad as when I'd woken up from being knocked over.

I heard Amie sob quietly to herself "I'm s-s-sorry" she stuttered

I saw Simon shift uncomfortably as she talked to me, I wonder if he saw that look in my face when she talked to him? I thought to myself.

"Stop saying that" I said aloud, my voice sounding scratchy. Both Amie and Simon's head turn to me in surprise, heck I was surprised! I'd been trying to talk for what felt like forever now.

Amie started to laugh "Err why are you laughing?" I asked slightly confused

"You can speak again, I don't know why it made me laugh but I suppose its better then crying right?"

I just nodded my head.

My face hurt so much to speak and my speech sounded a bit slurred but I need to get what I was thinking out.

"Amie I know what to do, but you have to promise you will do it OK!" I said in what I'd hoped was a stern voice.

Her brows knotted together in a suspicious way "What is it?" She asked

"I swear we went past a house about a mile from here, I was kinda out for the count but when I did open my eyes for that split second I'm sure I saw a house" I started both Amie and Simon listening. Amie gasped as I mention a house a slight bit of hope gleaming in her eyes.

"When he comes back I want you to tell him you've chosen! I want you to choose me I-"

"Are you out of your mind?! No! No I won't do it!" She interrupted me

"Amie just hear what I have to damn well say! We don't have much time!!" I spat back angrily. Amie shrunk against my harsh tone

"Don't talk to her like that!" Simon yelled at me, if looks could kill I thought to myself

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