Broken Walls.... Broken Heart prt 24

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  • Dedicated to Paula Matenga Moran

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I stop outside her door and turn to Clay who still hasn’t figured out what we’re doing here. I take some wet wipes out of my bag and wipe his tear stained cheeks before taking his hand in mine and walking him into the room.

Inside was Paula playing with her toys when she heard the door she looked up and smiled "Mummy!" She squealed as I made my way over to her to embrace her in a hug.

"Hiya!" she said as she looked at Clayton giving him one of her biggest smiles.

I turn to look at Clay whose eyes are now full of tears "Clay I’d like you to meet Paula"….


**** Chapter 24 ****

Clayton’s POV:

Have you ever felt like your hearts beating so loud that you can’t hear anything else over it? I kind of feel like that right now.

I’m standing in front of the one person that I would lay down and die for, the one person that I have changed to better myself for. I’ve dreamt about this day ever since Amie told me that I had a daughter.

"Hiya" Her sweet little voice interrupted my thoughts as she repeated herself. "Hi" I replied my voice sounding rough with tears.

Paula giggled at my reply her face looking me straight in the face; she tilted her face to the side her brows furrowing with confusion as a frown set in her beautiful face. "O no! Mummy, look!" She said pointing at me as she tried to get out of Amie’s hold.

Amie set Paula down, I found myself sitting down in front of her so I was eye level. Paula’s small hand wiped away the tears from my face as she gave me a sad smile. "All better" She said as she wrapped her small arms around my neck.

I felt as though every stress that had been bothering me had left my body as I held my daughter in my arms for the first time! This was my baby and I knew that she would be the one woman in my life that I would change for.

"Look!" Paula said while pointing at the neatly piled toys in the corner of the room. I sat on a small chair my knees touching my chest as I watched Paula play with her toys, a small smile playing on my lips as I watched her play… my beautiful daughter.

Amie’s POV:

I watched as Paula wiped away Clayton’s tear stained cheeks with her small hands. "All better!" She said as she wrapped her small arms around Clay’s neck.

I felt my stomach twist in knots as I watched father and daughter hugging for the first time, hot tears spilling down my cheeks. Quickly wiping my face with the back of my sleeve and watched as Paula began to show her dad her favourite dolly a small smile plastered on his face, for the first time in a long time Clay looked truly happy.

I quietly left the room leaving Clay to spend some time with his daughter, as I made my way to the nurses station.

"Hi I'd like to speak to Sandra please" I asked one of the nurses who was typing at her computer.

"Ok, If you can just give me two minutes i'll give her a call for you. Can I get your name?" The nurse replied politely.

"Ermm yeah Its Amie, Amie Marsh, Im Paula's mum!"

The nurse carried on writting for a minute then made her way to the office behind her. As she made her way out she pointed into the office "Sandra wont be long, she'll call you when shes done." She said as she made her way back to the desk she was sitting at before.

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