Broken Walls.... Broken Heart! prt 28

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I closed my eyes and thought about the future with Paula and the things that we could do, like going to the park, or the beach , or even to museums?! I smiled to myself at the fact that I had such a beautiful daughter. I smiled as I thought about Paula's sweet little voice when she had met me for the first time.

I should probably find out about this guy that Amie's seeing I mean for my daughters sake I should shouldn't I? ....

**** Chapter 28 ****

Amie's POV:

I had spent the day at the hospital, Simon had been with me the whole time, even though he never came in the room with me he sat outside and told me he would wait out there for as long as I needed him to be.

I felt bad that I had made him spend the day by himself outside the room while I visited Clay and Paula but he told me that it was fine and that he was close. I made sure that I came out and sat with him even if it was only for a bit.

At the end of the day Simon and I had gone back to my place for something to eat. As much as I could easily live of pizza I thought a home cooked meal would be a better option although I was debating on what to eat.

I felt really proud of myself that I'd asked Simon to come round, we always go back to his but today his here in my home and it feels good, it almost feels perfect!

Luckily for me I have a great boyfriend who offered to cook us a meal, I think me banging the cupboard doors finally gave him the idea that I didn't really want to cook.

He cooked us a beautiful chicken pasta dish, which I had to mentally slap myself for comparing his meal to Clay's cooking.

By the end of the meal lack of sleep from the previous few days had caught up with me and I could feel myself starting to drift off as I watched the TV.

I felt myself being lifted and then placed on something soft.

"Night baby, love you" I heard Simon whisper as he kissed my forehead.

"Love you too Clay" I whispered before falling into a well deserved sleep...

Simon's POV:

Today I spent sitting reading gossip magazines and watching day time TV in the waiting room, both of which were kind of distressing. I mean come on what's wrong with people? Some woman was on the show with three potential baby fathers none of which proved to be her baby daddy.

I felt embarrassed for the people on the show and in the magazines but at the same time I felt hooked and want to see more.

I had told Amie that I'd be in here for as long as she needed me around. It seemed to have relaxed her to know that I wasn't far.

As the day went on families and friends came and went, eventually visiting hours came to an end we decided on dinner, Amie opted for a home cooked meal which surprised me as I was starting to think she lived on pizza.

"So to my place then? We still haven't decided on what we're eating by the way" I said as she started her car up. I bet she'll cave and order pizza I thought to myself, a grin on my face.

"I thought maybe we could eat at mine?" She said her eyes not quiet reaching mine.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her finally opening up to me and inviting me back to hers.

"Your place sounds good" I replied as I smiled to myself.

Once we arrived at Amie's, she gave me a quick tour of her house leaving the kitchen till last.

As she opened and closed the cupboard doors for the hundredth time I decided to give her a break, I closed the space between us and stood up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist. I felt her body relax back into mine, which instantly made me feel really good knowing that she could relax around me.

"Sit down I'll rustle us up something" I said as I placed a kiss on her neck making her shiver slightly.

I watched her as she sat down at her table. She looked so tired I bet she hasn't slept properly since the accident.

Looking in the cupboards and fridge I found some chicken and pasta, getting out the seasoning I quickly flavoured the meat and stuck it in the oven.

I sat at the table with Amie while she talked about what's been happening with the police and the mystery person that knocked Clayton down. She said that the woman that had been dumped was still in intensive care, it was unlikely that she'd make it. Personally that scared me to know that a such a psycho had been near my girl but at the same time I'd love to meet the guy and shake his hand, although it would have been better for everyone if Clayton had just died and left Amie in peace.

I could feel myself getting agitated at the thought of Clayton getting better and trying to hurt her again, but then quickly let the thought drift away as I thought of the one thing that Amie has now that she didn't have back then.... Me!


After I washed the last plate from dinner I went and joined Amie in the living room to watch TV. A few minutes passed when I noticed that she had fallen asleep so picking her up I took her to her room and placed her on her bed.

"Night baby, love you" I said whilst placing a kiss on her head.

"Love you too Clay" she said sleepily, her eyes still closed. I felt my body stiffen and my heart sink at her words, she still loved him? I thought long and hard about what I should do.

Maybe it would be better for me to just leave her to sort things out with him it was obvious that it was him she loved and not me. But then again she was really tired and it could have been a genuine mistake calling me Clay?

I decided to stay and see how she felt in the morning, everything always seems better in the morning right?...

Amie's POV:

Last night had been the best sleep I'd had in a while, I thought to myself as I opened my eyes.

I turned to see Simon laying beside me. He was laying on top of the covers fully clothed. Maybe he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in my bed with me?

I got a spare cover and put it over us both, I snuggled closer to Simon wrapping a leg around his waist and my arm around his chest. I loved this feeling, I thought to myself.

Listening to Si's breathing made me feel really calm. Being around him made me forget all the bad things that I'd ever been threw. I really think I was starting to fall for him.

"Mmm morning" Simon purred, bringing me out of my train of thinking.

"Morning beautiful" I replied as I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

He moved his arm around my waist his hand resting on my lower back. I could feel sparks as he made small circles in my back, I honestly don't think he knew what he was doing to me.

"Si" I whispered

"Mmm?" He mumbled back as he started drifting back to sleep again.

"Thanks for being there last night, I really do love you Simon!" I said as I looked up at him.

His eyes where still closed but the grin on his face was huge. He looked like a kid who had just been given the keys to a sweet shop.

"I love you too Amie" he replied as he held me tighter to him.

A/N wooo finally uploaded! Sorry for the wait, hopefully the next chapter won't take me as long to upload! Hope you enjoy! X

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