Broken Walls.... Broken Heart Prt 26

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mum? Why was he calling mum? his mum was dead, O Gosh! His going to die! I've wished him dead for so long but now I'm getting my wish I don't think that I can let him go. Please don't leave us I thought to myself.

"Your going to be OK" A female voice interrupted my thoughts.

I didn't even notice that some paramedics had come over. I watched as they worked on Clay, his eyes now starting to close. God is giving me what I asked for... for Clayton to die and leave me and Paula to be happy, But why don't I fell happy?.....

**** Chapter 26 ****

Amie's POV:

My eyelids felt heavy, they wanted to close but I refused to let them making each blink I took heavier then the last, until after a long battle with myself finally I couldn't fight it any longer as sleep took over.

"I won't hurt her.. or you. I think I'm going to go now I should leave you to do what you need to do" BANG!! I watched as his body went flying on top of the bonnet of the car only to be catapulted back into the air and thrown a few yards down the road.

"Clayton!" I screamed as I felt my body being shaken.

"Amie wake up" I heard a familiar voice call out. Slowly opening my eyes I looked at who was trying to wake me from that nightmare?

As I looked into Sandra's eyes I saw the sympathy oozing out of them, no suck luck of this just being a nightmare then...

"Amie the surgeon would like to speak to you" Sandra said in a soft voice as she handed me a cup of water and setting down a box of tissues infront of me. Tissues? does that mean really bad news then?

"Hi, I'm Dr Turner I was the one that opperated on your Fiance" my heart skipped a beat as he called me Clayton's Fiance, but thats what I had told them otherwise they wouldn't have let me know how he was doing.

The surgeon cleared his throat, gaining back my attention. "We was able to stop the internal bleed, however.." he paused, making my heart beat just that little bit faster then it already was, a sob left my mouth as Dr Turner spoke, I quickly covered my mouth and nodded for him to carry on "Clayton has a broken leg which we have put a cast on and has a small fracture to the zygoma also known as his cheekbone. With this type of injury his face will take at least two to three weeks to settle down and he will start to look back to normal."

"Will he be OK?"

"I shouldn't see why not, Its going to be a bit difficult and painful for him to talk much right now but we have started him on some strong painkillers which should ease the pain. We're going to keep him in for a while and monitor him. Clayton is a very lucky man" The surgeon said as I thanked him. I walked into the room that I had been told Clayton was in.

Clayton lay on his bed he looked like a shadow of the big man that once scarred me, looking at him now he looked so small. This was my fault, I shouldn't have told him I was seeing someone if I hadn't have said anything he wouldn't have taken that fatal step back and be here.

"Stop" I heard a voice call out from him "Stop what?" I asked maybe he was having flashbacks? "Stop blaming yourself! I should have looked" he replied inhaling sharply as pain kicked in. I quickly walked over to him and held his hand in mine. His face was really swollen, the swelling had made his skin tinge a blue colour, I didnt realise skin could stretch that much! I watched as a single tear fell down his face. Taking a tissue out of my pocket I gently wiped his face "Your going to be OK I'm here for you Clay"...


Simon's POV

I feel excited today, this morning I woke up feeling like Something big had happened and I couldn't shake of the feeling that, that something big was a good thing! I smiled to myself as I hummed along to a tune playing on the radio not really knowing the words.

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