"Hi handsome," the woman flirted shamelessly.

"Hey gorgeous," France flirted back, as if carrying Athena on his shoulder doesn't bothered any of them.

The woman gave France three keys, Lexus leading the way and opening the first room on their list. It was a large room with two queen size bed, the interior looks fresh and homey. France putting Athena on the first empty bed as he settled next to her. Luna occupying the other side of the bed along with Toby and her brother.

"Okay so we have 3 rooms and we're gonna decide who's rooming with whom,"

"The girls can share this room and let just decide who will occupy the two other rooms," Caleb was in his usual grumpy mode, it was past midnight and the exhaustion must be getting through them now.

"Where's the fun in that Caleb? Our fate will be decided using this bottle!" Lexus dropped an empty water bottle on the floor and wherever he got that was beyond her.

"But why?"

"Lulu just let Lexus do what he want or I'll give you the honor of sharing a room with him," Her threat was enough to shut her brother up. The three of them grew up together but given Lexus tendency to tease her brother relentlessly, putting him and Caleb in one room was out of the question.

"Let's just get this over with," Toby looks tired and sleepy, the boys moving reluctantly as they form a small circle on the floor while Luna stayed on the bed with Athena.

"Good luck guys," Lexus beamed happily, he was definitely enjoying this. No matter who she ended up rooming for the weekend doesn't really bother her, but Toby was an entirely different story.

As if mocking her already grumpy brother, the bottle stopped in front of Caleb while the other end was pointed straight to the now sleeping Athena.

"This is not fair!" he protested like a little kid while pointing his finger to the innocent girl sleeping soundly in front of him.

"Caleb it's just 2 days and 1 night and besides Athena's sleeping peacefully now you'll be just fine!" France retorted with an amused grin plastered on his face. Caleb throwing her a knowing look but it was now her turn to shrugged him off.


"Shut up Caleb!" They said in unison making the poor Caleb to shut up and accept the fact that he'll be sharing a room with Athena for the weekend.

Luna was a firm believer of what it's meant to be, it will be; but when Lexus spin the bottle again that night, she knew that his little trick was to thank for the miracle of sharing a room with the person that matters the most to him. Her brother piercing glare aside, Luna was over the moon with how things turned out.

"Goodnight Lulu try not kill Athena okay?" She was sprinting out of the room after giving her brother a peck on his cheeks.

"You're a dead meat Luna Elliana!" She heard him say but she's too happy to care. Lexus handed her the keys as she let Toby carry their bags. Their room was in front of Caleb and Athena's room, Lexus and France's room next to them.

"Goodnight babe, try not to harass our little Toby," Lexus whispered in her ears as he enveloped her in one of his bear hugs, making her giggle a little. France kissed the top of her head as they disappeared into their room.

"Luna, you can open the door now or if you want we can sleep outside the room too," Toby look so tired and annoyed as she entered the key to their room.

"Aren't you going to wash yourself first Cooper?" She asked as Toby rolled eagerly on his bed, snuggling with a pillow making her a little jealous of the white pillow in Toby's arm.

"Later Greene, you can use the shower first," he replied sleepily, Luna took her bag inside the bathroom. Athena and Lexus packed her stuffs, leaving her a little worried about what she may find inside her bag.

"What the heck!?" Seeing the bunch of lace underwear sitting on top her luggage bag, Luna wasn't thrilled at all. Her friends were kind enough to pack a few decent clothes but all her night gowns were too indecent to even wear. Seeking the only person she could only depend on this mess, Luna quickly dialed her brother's number.


"I need a clean shirt and get something from Athena's bag, I need a short! They packed me a lace night-gown!" She could hear Caleb's cursing on the other line, needless to say that none of them was happy about their friends little antics.

"Damn, can't you use my boxers? There's no way that I'm touching Athena's bag!"

"Lulu just get me a short I'm rooming with Toby here okay! I need decent clothes!"

"And my shirts is not decent?" Luna's fighting the urge to wring her brother's neck next door, but she has better things to worry about, like the guy waiting outside, who was probably sleeping already.


"Fine, give me 2 minutes!"

Two minutes later, Lulu was already knocking on the bathroom door. Making a mental note to lock to the door later.

"Thanks Lulu, I love you!" she beamed, throwing a wink at him.

"Toby's sleeping already and you better sleep too, it's getting late. Goodnight." Caleb was clearly sulking as he left the their room.

Luna quickly changed into Athena's hot pink short and Caleb's Bridgewood Bulldog shirt. Putting everything back on her bag, making sure that the lace clothes where at the bottom of it before stepping out of the bathroom.

Toby was fast asleep on his bed, the sight of it making her smile instantly as she locked the door and went to Toby's bed. Flopping herself on the floor and resting her chin on his bed, watching him contentedly, not minding the coldness of the floor.

It's been four years since the day that Luna first saw him on the rooftop. Toby was an enigma that she didn't dream of falling for; perhaps it was the sadness in his eyes when their eyes met for the first time that drew her to him, or the mischievous smile on his lips when he spoke to her. No matter what the reason for it, Luna never regretted the day that she fell in love at first sight with the boy named Toby.

She was a straightforward person, but with Toby, everything seems complicated. He was her friend first but telling him the words that wouldn't come out of her mouth could easily ruin the friendships that they took years to build. But when college was a few months away, the fear that Toby would be too far for her to reach haunted her every night.

The night was still long, but Luna's senses were drifting slowly, and on a lonely night with the moon shining brightly outside their window, the words that were once too hard to speak fall into the silence of the room like a silent plea for the boy who holds her heart in the palm of his hand.

"I like you,"

Loving Toby (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now