"Why am I not surprised." Warren muttered. 

"Aw crap!" Murphy shouted, "Not this place again."

"What? What is it?" Sarge asked.

"We've been here before." 10K told her blankly as he stared at the building. They all seemed to pause lost in their memories before Warren took a deep breath and led them forward. They moved to the fence and found the same break in the metal links that they'd used years ago.

"Be careful out there." Addy said to him as she, Doc and Bailey passed him and Red as they made their way to a broken fence to go survey the perimeter.

"Yeah, uh, we'll be careful." 10K replied with a shrug and a bit of a stutter as he looked to Bailey, the look he was giving her said 'we'll talk later' and she looked anywhere but at him. Damn, he thought, he still wanted to talk about what happened after the nuke and every time he tried Bailey found a way out of the conversation. Then there was a caw and a shadow blocked the sun and they looked up to see the boy from before perched on top of the wall. He'd changed his look, his hair was black and flattened more against his head under a bandana and goggles and he had a new jacket that looked like 10K's. He'd even smeared dirt under his left eye, to imitate 10K's black eye and cut a line in one eyebrow too. Man this kid paid attention to detail.

"What happened to you?" Red asked.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Doc questioned, "5K?" then he and Addy chuckled and 10K turned to them and tilted his head with a look that said, Really? When he turned his eyes to Bailey she just gave a shrug and a small smile.

"We should get moving." Red said as Doc's laughter calmed down.

"What did he use to black his hair?" 10K asked her as she turned and headed to the opening in the fence.

"You don't want to know." Red replied.

As they walked along the path between the fence and the cinderblocks Murphy couldn't hold his complaining back anymore.

"Warren, why the hell did you lead us back here?" he groaned.

"I don't know. But I intend to find out." She replied.

"I was afraid she was going to say that." Doc said as they followed her.

"Look I have one word for all of you – Kraken." Murphy said as they left him behind and eventually he sighed and jogged to catch up. When they turned the corner they found the courtyard was just as destroyed as they'd left it. Chunks of debris and red painted metal sheets they'd used as barricades were scattered everywhere. Bodies in red suits littered the ground, their skin hardened with eyeless sockets, some of them with mouths still open in eternal screams.

"Got a name?"

"It's Ten Thousand. But everybody calls me 10K."

"Ten Thousand? That's not a name, that's a number."

"I made it up myself. It's how many zombies I'm going to kill." he told her.

"And how's that going?"

"I'm already on 3,225 . . . and a half."

"What's the half for? Zombie dwarf?" she asked.

"No, just the torso. No legs." He replied as he continued to clean his rifle.

"Mmm. I usually leave them be if they don't have legs. Waste of ammo."

"Well this one was crawling after me."

"I once had to mercy a head rolling after me, still chomping away."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now