Book 4: Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"And burn her body, ON A FUCKING STAKE!" She exclaimed in rage, throwing the blasted prophet to the floor, taking her wand and set a blaze to it in rage. The Skeeter woman had done it now, the woman was going to have to hide if Finley ever sees her. The woman was going to have to pray that the girl doesn't get her hands on her.

"Darling, don't bother. It will die down soon," Blaise comforted, easing her shoulder that were shaking in rage and had her sit back down on the Slytherin table. The hall was silent at the sight of her outburst, no one has seen her this infuriated before.

"The woman can't even spell your name properly much less everyone knowing it was really you—"

"And her outburst wasn't a dead give away Quincy," Blaise deadpanned before pouring Finley some water.

Finley was about to say something but was soon cut off when her eyes spitted Draco giving away some pins to the younger Slytherins. Just as he was just a few steps towards them, Finley stood up and approached him. She hasn't really spoken to Draco in a while, since she heard that Draco was turned into a ferret, the boy was avoiding her like a plague. And since the champion selection, he stopped talking to her altogether. It was upsetting, she thought the both of them were doing alright after all.

"What do you have there Draco?" She asked completely curious at the pins he was handing out. The boy was clearly startled at her sudden approach that he hid the pin he was handing out behind his back, like a child hiding his hands from a disciplinary stick.

"Nothing," he says as he stepped back. Finley turned to the lower tears who received their pins, but they already fled from the scene. This wasn't helping in dialling down her curiosity.

"Can I see what you're giving to them?" Finley asked, quite intrigued with the pins. Thinking it was something special or something, she wanted to know, maybe it would be a memory that she would take back to France when the tournament was over.

"No, they're for Slytherins only," Draco refused.

"Oh," Finley says, a little hurt at how it was worded out. The fact that Draco said it was for Slytherins only made her remember that she no longer went to Hogwarts, her first home. "Alright, sorry for the bother," Finley gave him a small smile before turning away from him and back to Blaise and Theo who weren't paying attention to what just happened.

If it was anything that Draco could take back, was what he said to Finley and how he said it. Stupid of him to say that to her, she looked hurt that he reminded her that she wasn't in Slytherin anymore. 'Goddamnit mate, what's going on in your head?'

"Finley, where are you going?" Blaise asked as Finley got back to them, but instead of sitting back down, she took her hat and wand. A bright smile was plastered on her face, but it never reached her eyes but they could hardly tell.

"I'm taking a walk to the carriage, I need to catch up on Muggle studies," she says, placing her Beauxbatons hat on her head, tucking her wand in her cardigan. "I'll see you around," she says before turning around to leave, waving them goodbye as she did so.

Finley took a walk, but it wasn't towards the carriage. She was walking around the black lake and was trying her best to get her mind back on track, what Draco said shouldn't affect her. She needed to reminder that she was no longer a Slytherin, it was difficult but it was how it went. Her hand found it's way to the amulet that she wore, her fidgeting manner was getting her anxious she needed to relax. She didn't want to go back on the emotional rollercoaster she went on last year.

"Fineley?" She jumped at a heavily accented voice. She turned around and saw Viktor Krum in his uniform giving her a polite smile.

"It's Finley actually," she clears up. She despised Rita Skeeter for spelling her name wrong too.

"Your friend, the girl in the library?—"

"You mean Hermione?" She asked, she of course told him a few things about Hermione the day she saw him looking at her friend. She told him how she loved going in he library to read. And this seemed to be the day Finley waited since she and Sebastian approached him that day.


"No, Hermione," she corrects, but she could see that the older boy was having trouble at pronouncing her friend's name.


"No— you know what? Why don't you ask her to teach you how to pronounce her name," she suggested, this seemed to catch the seeker's attention.

"She's currently in the library I think? If not you would be able to see her with Harry in the great hall having lunch," she says, winking playfully at Viktor who seemed happy with the information. Before he could turn away from Finley, he smiled at her and muttered a thank you.

Sebastian Thorns, youngest of three and was currently studying in the Durmstrang Institute of Scandinavia. Smart, charismatic, not as athletic as he would have hoped but was a great strategist. Not the he needed that as often but being a strategist has its moments. He was a witty character, most often had slots of blackmails for his enemies or at least big people to do his bidding. But there was one person he didn't want to take advantage at all, and that was the girl he met in the summer during his visit in his sister's home.

The way he saw it was that, the girl was an extraordinary character. Kind and fierce, scheming when needed, and very beautiful that when he met her the first time he was awestruck. He may dismiss his actions as a friendly gesture, truly he wanted nothing from her but he was ready to offer his everything to her. He wasn't the only one of course, he knew that the moment he arrived in Hogwarts and the first person who seemed interested in the girl, was the first bloke he swore to out do.

Fortunately for him, the bloke was doing a terrible job at keeping Finley on his side, seeing as he always had a pug faced girl clutching onto him twenty-four seven. That, and he was friends with the girl's other friends and brother. Only a few more steps, he now only needed to get through the girl's other friends who seemed to care for her a little too much than they necessarily should. But who was he to snoop in? She did already tell him that they were her pseudo brothers.

But alas, he did not expect to see the scene in the great hall when he saw a flash of hurt in the girl's eyes as she spoke to the boy he labelled his enemy.

He stood up from his seat and approached the blond boy, his demeanour was anything but welcoming. Normally he would be a chill type of person, but not today.

"What do you have there mate? Mind if I have one?" He smiled, and yet the way his aura went was full of hostility.

"You're not from Hogwarts, but then again it would help spread the word. Here take a few for your buddies," the boy says giving him three, all labelled 'Potter Stinks.'

It made sense now.

"You know, you could hurt someone with these," Sebastian says, raising the pin to show what it said.

"Well, he isn't really the Hogwarts champion is he?" The blond bloke snaps, not liking how this Durmstrang boy was talking to him like he was a scum.

"Then mind I remind you that he isn't the only Potter here anymore? Or did that slip your mind?"

This certainly struck a chord as the blond boy glared at Sebastian. Bazz didn't need to hear whatever reason this toss pot was going to give him, he made a subtle warning. Hopes that the boy wasn't stupid enough to not take heed in it.

"These pins are for Hogwarts students only," Draco manages to sneer at the Durmstrang boy, he already felt bad for saying an uncalled for statement towards Finley. But he also knew that this Durmstrang boy liked his Finley, and he certainly didn't want him to steal her away.

"So that's why she left," Sebastian finally says, placing pieces together, crushing the pin by his hand in front of Draco who glared at him. This was a subtle way for declaring a war for her, just between the two of them for Finley.

And with that Sebastian left, no one seemed to care where he was going except for Draco. Draco knew he was losing Finley to this Durmstrang bloke but the thing was that, he also knew that Finley liked him enough. He just wasn't sure how much enough actually was, he could only hope that it was more than his new established enemy.

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