Book 4: Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"And that concludes the Tri-wizard champion selection I—" But Dumbledore was interrupted, red flames sparked the cup and threw out a parchment. Everyone was confused about this particular parchment, shouldn't there only be three? Why was there a fourth one?

And what the Hogwarts master said shook the great hall to the core, "Harry Potter."

Finley paled as she stared at Dumbledore in disbelief, that couldn't be right can it? Harry was fourteen, he couldn't possibly enter in the tournament. She watched as Hermione push Harry out of his seat, he took was shaken and was as pale as Finley was. Cautiously walking up to the Headmaster who looked angry at him. Why would he be angry? Harry didn't do it, he looked terrified for crying out loud.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even of age yet!"


Protests began, throwing harry pieces of parchment, by the second she was growing angry at the assumptions. Harry didn't want eternal glory, he already got the attention that he clearly didn't know want at all. Finley stood up from her seat just as Dumbledore and the rest of the staff who sat at the teachers table were going in the door where Harry and the rest of the champions disappeared in.

"Finley, no—"

"It can't be right! He didn't enter," she said as she walked towards the path straight to the door.

"How could you know that? Of course you would say that, you're his sister!" A voice said from one of the tables. She was absolutely livid at these assumptions that she glared at anyone who looked at her doubtingly.

"Didn't you see how terrified he was? He didn't want this!" She snaps, now felt a hand on her shoulder to stop, it was Heart who grew sympathetic towards her friend.

Everyone in the great hall didn't believe her, as they all slowly disappeared from the great hall back into their common rooms. Finley was left there on the Hufflepuff table with Gabrielle and Heart who couldn't leave Finley alone, especially not now. They were waiting for the champions to come out the door they disappeared in, Finley was waiting for news that Harry wasn't going to he a Hogwarts Champion.

"Get Gabrielle back to the carriage, I'll keep her company," a voice said from behind her. Heart smiled gratefully at one who offered to stay with Finley, as much as she wanted to be with her right now, Gabrielle too needed to be back in the carriage to wait for her sister.

"Thank you Bazz," Heart says, placing and arm over Gabrielle and walked towards Finley who was distraught. Gabrielle embraced Finley in attempt to give her comfort, Heart did the same as she planted a kiss on Finley's temple. "Everything will be okay Finn," she says, hoping that whatever she was saying, Finley would believe it.

"I'll see you in the carriage," Heart says, nodding at her cousin before walking out the hall with Gabrielle.

Silence accompanied Finley, and Sebastian at the time being. Sebastian offering his shoulder for Finley to lean on or maybe cry on, which ever she preferred to let her release this grief she was suffering in.

"He looked so terrified, why would anyone put his name in?" Finley spoke, her voice breaking slightly as she prevents herself from crying. "This must be a set up, someone must've put his name in there," she says. And the only thing Sebastian could do was listen, he believes her that Harry didn't out his name in. He heard Harry tell Ron once that Ron was more capable of eternal glory and not him. There was a mistake in the selection and it was evident in Harry's face that he didn't choose to be a champion, he couldn't possibly be powerful enough to go over the age line and drop his name in.

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