TF 3| Sideswipe x Pregnant! Femme reader (fluff)

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Requested by: FighterCrass
Plot: Sideswipe and other Autobots would go on a mission, sideswipe is worried cuz reader had started experiencing some pains but brushed them off and assured sideswipe she will be okay, all of the Autobots will leave for mission and after 2 hours readers water would break, she would comm sideswipe that she can't do it that she's scared, sideswipe with ratchet And jolt would rush to the base to help her and encourage her to push the sparkling out when half of the head would be out reader would start crying that she is tired but others will encourage her more for her to push after she will jolt would clean the sparkling and ratchet would check if she's not hurt, jolt would hand to the reader the sparkling and look on him with sideswipe with tears in their optics. Sideswipe is the father of the sparkling.

((your P.O.V))
I watched Sideswipe kissed my stomach as I laid on our berth. Throughout everything, he's always so gentle and sweet, helping me with everything. "I just can't wait till my sparkling is here," he said, looking up to meet my eyes. "Me either, Sides," I said. He laid down next to me, nuzzling his helm in my neck. "Are you nervous?" he asked. "Little bit... my first sparkling," I said. Sideswipe smiled, placing his servo on my cheek "Baby... you'll be an amazing mother..." he purred and softly pecked my lips.

"You think?" I whispered. He nodded frantically and pressed another kiss on my lips. I grabbed his servo, placing it on my stomach as I felt the sparkling kick and move. Sideswipe started smiling widely. He was so proud and it was adorable to see. "I just can't wait till he's here," he whispered. "Or her," I said, poking his nose. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders "I bet it's a mech," he said. I made myself comfortable. "And I bet it's a femme,"
Sideswipe smirked and kissed my stomach again "Oh my sweet sparkling!" he purred. "I just can't wait till he... or she is here," he said, smiling. I nodded "me either," I whispered. Sideswipe slid off the bed and stretched himself. "Optimus is calling for us... are you coming?" he asked. I nodded and got up, groaning a little. I felt some pain, which I hadn't felt before. "Are you okay?" Sideswipe asked worriedly as he crouched down in front of me.

"My stomach hurts... it's nothing major," I said. Sideswipe rubbed over my stomach "The sparkling is probably just moving around... you just felt it," I said. Sideswipe hesitated but nodded. "yeah... perhaps," he said, helping me back on my ped as he got up. He skated in front of me, and I took a moment to study him. His silvery doorwings stood straight up, indicating how excited and proud he was. He was showing off about me and the sparkling with everyone. Again I felt some pain and stopped, rubbing over my stomach for a moment.

Sideswipe noticed me stopping and turned around, skating back towards me. "Maybe we should ask Ratchet to check you up," he said. "No... it's fine, he's just moving," I said, pressing some harder on my stomach. Sideswipe placed his servo on my stomach as well and sighed. "I am worried," he whispered. "It's alright... I'll be fine," I said. He nodded and brushed it off. "How are ya doing?" Moonracer asked excitedly. I was so happy to have some femmes around the base. I love my mech, but sometimes it's nice to have a femme to talk too. Arcee, Chromia, Elita-1, and Moonracer had all been so nice to me and helped me with stuff. I am the youngest of the five and they loved supporting me.

"I am okay... waiting till my sparklings come," I said. Moonracer nodded excitedly and looked at Sideswipe that was talking to his brother. "He's so proud," I said. Moonracer smiled "I know... I asked him this morning how you were doing and he was showing off all time... he was so excited," she said. Sideswipe skated over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. Sideswipe was taller then I was, he used me to rest his helm on mine.
"What is this about anyway?" I asked Moonracer or Sideswipe. "A mission," Moonracer said. "Yes, but you're not going..." Sideswipe said. "I haven't been on a patrol or mission for weeks," I said.

"I would be broken if something would happen to you," Sideswipe said before kissing my neck. I shivered "Sideswipe..." I whined. He nibbled and sucked on some wires till Optimus started talking. When he was done, Sideswipe turned towards me "just try to rest... we keep in touch," he said. I nodded and grabbed his wrist "Please be safe! I don't wanna race this sparkling on my own and I need you!" I said. He gave me a sympathetic look and kissed my lips. "I am amazing, they can't beat the best," he purred. I rolled my eyes while Sunstreaker gave him a look "Stop using my lines," he snapped. Sideswipe smirked and gave his brother a playful push. "How are you doing?" Sunstreaker asked as he touched my stomach softly.

Sunstreaker was the only one and Ratchet that were allowed to do that. Sideswipe had been so furious when Mirage touched my stomach. "I am okay...I just hope our sparkling will come soon, makes me tired and my back hurts," I said smiling. "If I see your stomach... I think your sparkling will come soon enough," he said. "I have to go..." Sunstreaker said before transforming and driving off. Sideswipe kissed me one more time before he transformed and drove off. "Love you, baby," I whispered as I watched Sideswipe disappear.

Every Autobot was gone, so I retreated back to my room, resting on the large berth I shared with Sides. After two hours or so, I decided to get some Energon, since my Energon level was low. As I was walking through the halls as I felt water dripping from my panel over my legs, followed by pain. I started to panic, my water just broke and there was no one around. My spark started beating faster. I was scared, I didn't want to do this without Sideswipe and Ratchet.

I leaned against the wall, holding my stomach and comm Sideswipe. "Hi baby... miss me already?" he purred. "Sideswipe! My water broke... I am going to give birth right now and I am scared, Sideswipe please come back..." I whimpered. "Shhh... sweetspark... you'll be fine, just relax, okay?" he asked. I panted softly while limping over to the rec room, sitting down and hold my stomach. "I am on my way," he said.

The pain only worsened and I didn't know where Sideswipe was. I got up, walking over to the medbay, and laid down, removing my interface panel. Venting hard and groaned in pain. I opened my optics as Sideswipe rushed in with Jolt and Ratchet on his tailpipe. "Sideswipe," I grabbed his armor tightly, hugging him. "Shh... you're okay, I am here now," he purred, rubbing my cheek plate while holding my servo. I threw my helm back, hissing in pain. Ratchet got between my legs, having a look. "You have to push, (y/n)!" he said, holding my legs. "Come on push..." he encouraged me.

I groaned as I pushed. I kept pushing but I was so exhausted. "I can't do it..."
"You're doing amazing, just push... You're so strong, I know you can do it," Sideswipe purred, rubbing my cheek plate. Tears rolled down my cheek, sobbing a little. "Don't cry... don't cry, you're so strong, so brave. I would do it for you if I had the change. You're doing amazing," he said, kissing my lips. "Your sparkling is almost here, (y/n)... I need you to push one more time," Ratchet said. "You're doing amazing," Jolt said, rubbing my leg. Sideswipe grabbed my servo tightly "Come on... I know you can do it!" he stated. I pushed one more time and my audio filled with the cries of my sparklings.

Ratchet took it while Sideswipe inspected his sparkling. "It's a femme," Ratchet said, handing the sparkling to me. Sideswipe looked down, rubbing the helm of his daughter. "She's perfect..." he whispered. I looked up to him, kissing him. "You're finally a sire, Sideswipe..." He smiled widely and nodded, kissing me again. "She's so beautiful... I just can't believe it," he said. "Now we have to decide a name,"
Sideswipe looked at me again, "Maybe (s/n)," he said. I nodded "Sounds perfect, baby," I said. Sideswipe looked at (s/n) in my arms again. "Can I hold my daughter?" he asked. I nodded while he grabbed her, holding her in his arms, his optics became teary. "I am finally a father..."

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