TF 4| Optimus Prime x Chubby! Female reader (lemon)

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Requested by: Soundwave94

Plot: You are a little shy and nerdy, but catches Optimus spark right away. You help Cade fix him and at the gas station it becomes a little steamy.

Warnings: Strong language, sexual scene

Word count: 1704
((Your P.O.V))

I am not special by any mean. I never considered myself special either. All I want is to be accepted by others the way I am. My life has always been messed up, lonely and sad. At a young age, my parents died and my grandmother raised me to the young woman I am today, but the pain from my past is always there.

The way I tried to get away from the reality his diving in books. That way, people started to call me a 'fat nerd' and at some point their insults didn't matter to me anymore, but the insecurity kept popping up and I wished I had a different body. All I want is to be accepted the way I al not getting reminded of how I look like.

I jolted a little when Tessa came running in. She was freaking out and I now spotted her concern. There was a missile. Where the hell did that thing came from? I jumped and got behind the couch.
Tessa is probably the only friend I have from college. She's nice and recently offering me a home because I lost my job and I am kinda broke.

"Holy shit! Where did that thing came from?!" I exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. "My dad bought a truck! A massive one and it's an alien!" She said. "What?! You mean like... those from—?"

She nodded. "Yes, those from TV! Now let's hurry up!" She dragged me with her into the barn and I was welcomed by the sight of a giant robot, freaking out and hitting his head against some of the chains. He nearly collapsed and dropped a the gun. "Easy!" Cade said. My heart was racing as I looked at him. He's in a pretty bad shape. Energon was dripping from his wounds and he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

It made me feel bad for the poor guy. Something really bad must have happened. He shook his head and looked down at us,— catching my eyes for a moment. Other then his injuries, he's quite an handsome mech. Especially tall, really tall. I did a step back, little frightened and shy. It's such an embarrassment for me to be in this position. I felt like I didn't want to show him my body. I hid behind Tessa and Lucas who got up after being hit on the head with the biggest gun I have ever seen in my entire life.

I felt the mechs optics burn holes in my body. I stepped back a little more and eventually left, sitting outside. "Hey! What was that about?" Tessa followed, a little confused. "What do you mean? There's a missile in the dinning room and there's a huge robot in your barn," I said in a matter of fact tone.

Tessa studied me for a good moment. "No, I mean... yes but... you were hiding," she replied quietly. "No, I wasn't. Really..." her brows crept together as she stared at me for several minutes. "Are you sure?" She asked to confirm and again, I nodded. "Yes, don't worry about it. Please."
"Okay..." she still wasn't a 100% convinced but it was good enough for me.

I fiddled with my jacket, thinking about the mech. I probably should go back inside, but this guy is so handsome despite the faded paint and injuries. I want to help Cade fix him, if he even decides to keep him. I mean, people get a reward if they find a Cybertronian. It would be a shame if Cade didn't try to help this mech. I know he will... or I hope so.

An hour later, the decision was indeed made to help the mech. "(Y/n)? Go inside and I'll with you in a minute. I have to grab something from the shed!" Cade yelled before he ran over to the shed. I sighed, gaining some courage and with a racing heart, I walked inside the barn. The mech's optics landed on me right away. "Hi..."

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