TF 4| Hound x human! Female reader (lemon)

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Requested by: RuddyPascall456

Plot: you are thinking about having a baby and so is Hound. It gets heated between you two.

Warnings: Sexual scenes
You're POV

Hound's Holoform kissed me again before he got up and grabbed his clothing. "Where are you going?" I asked. He looked down at me, "I have to drive a patrol with Crosshairs, I'll be back soon," he said, "What if I don't want you to leave?" I asked, smiling sexily at him. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it," he said and brushed some hair from my face before he softly kissed me again.

Hound stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head before he grabbed his boots. "Just be careful, okay?" I asked. He smirked at me, "always, pumpking," he purred and got up, leaving me. We barely have time together. He always seems to be in a rush. We have been dating for a while now. I love everything about him and it's always fun with him. There isn't a day I am not entertained. He's my snuggle bear, that's how I call him to tease him.

I got up as well and grabbed my clothing, dressing up before I went out to look for Cade. He must be around here somewhere. Scrapyard isn't much, but it's something. I greeted Optimus by patting his hood and headed into the small house not too far from where I sleep. "Yo, Cade?" He turned and threw me a bottle of water. "What have you been up to?" he asked as I flopped on the old and half broken armchair. "Nothing special, hanging out with Hound..." I muttered, taking a sip.

"Annoyed he's busy?" he asked. "Little bit, but what can I change about it?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. "maybe talk to him?" he suggested with an arched brow. "Yeah, well... it doesn't matter. He's busy and here to fight a war," I stated in a matter of fact tone. I wish I believed in myself a little bit more. I really missed Hound and wished to talk to him about having a child. I would love to have a child with him, but I don't know if he wants to have a child. I am afraid he doesn't want it or doesn't want to have a child with a human. After all, I am a simple human.

I bit my lip and stared at the entryway of the small house. Cade still hadn't fixed the door. I had expected Hound to come back, but that didn't happen. It's like he's isolating himself or avoiding me. I waited for him the entire day and evening, but he didn't come to me. Nor the days after that. "Have you seen Hound?" I asked Drift. The blue mech shrugged his shoulders, "no, I don't know where he is. Maybe Optimus does," he suggested. I flashed him a fake smile and walked up to the parked truck. "Optimus?"

Optimus his holoform fizzled next to his  alt-mode. "I am looking for Hound. I haven't seen him for days... I thought maybe you know where he is..." I trailed off. Optimus looked around briefly but shook his head. "No, sorry, (Y/n). I have no idea where he could be. I had sent him for a mission prior, but Crosshairs is already back, he should be around here somewhere," he said thoughtfully. I sighed, irritated and nodded. Well fine, if he doesn't want to talk to me, then not my problem. Though, I felt a little hurt for not seeing him sooner. I wished he would come to me.

That night, I was awoken by the feeling of someone touching my hip. A weak smile formed on my lips as I felt Hound shift beside me and press a kiss in the crook of my neck. He turned me on my back and kissed me passionately. "Are you mad?" he murmured quietly, brushing some hair from my face. "I don't like the fact you're avoiding me... I hate it when you do that. What did I do?" I asked. "Nothing... nothing, sweetspark." He pressed another kiss on my lips and softly rubbed my cheek. "Honestly, the last few days haven't been fun for me either. Crosshairs is on my tailpipe and we have to keep our location a secret. It's all just really hard to deal with me. I know you're probably disappointed in me..." he trailed off. I shook my head and kissed him again.

"I have been thinking about something as well..." he trailed off, looking deeply into my (e/c) eyes. "About what?" I asked. "I want a sparkling... I want a baby with you," he murmured. My eyes went wide and a smile formed on my lips. "Yes. I want a baby with you... I have been thinking about this as well, I was just too afraid you didn't want it," I said quietly. "Bullshit." he chuckled and climbed on top of me. "Mass displacement or holoform?" he asked. "Whatever you prefer..." I murmured. We started to make out and undue ourselves with some clothing.

We were a moaning mess by the end of it and I pushed Hound beside me, taking off his boxers and lowering my face to his pelvic. Hound grasped my hair and groaned as I pleased him. As soon as he came, he grabbed me and forced me on hands and knees. He pushed into me instantly, not giving me any time to adjust. Not necessary either, we have done it before, just this time without any protection. Hound was rough and quite loud as well. Also something I never thought he would be, but he's loud. I just hoped he wouldn't wake anyone up. Usually, we find a place far away from everyone else or his alt-mode.

He spilled his seed deep inside of me and helped me over the edge as well. He pushed me down on my back and started his second session, making out with me in the meantime. "Can you forgive me?" he asked. I nodded and pushed him beneath me, taking dominance. Hound held my hips and helped me move in the meantime. After we both released a second time, I collapsed next to him, tired. "I love you..." he smiled and kissed me again. "I love you too, (Y/n)..." he whispered. He curled up against my back, his leg over my hip and kissed my neck, leaving some dark hickeys here and there. With a smile on my face, I fell asleep.

Two weeks later, I took a pregnancy test because I was late and it turned out I am indeed sparked. Hound was over the moon and so was I. I couldn't be happier. All I ever wanted is to have a child with Hound and now in about nine months, our baby will be born, but also meant a lot of things needed to happen. One thing Hound promised me was to protect me whatever it takes... no matter what.

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