RID| Strongarm x Dakoto (OC)

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Requested by: @KatelynHammaker

Plot: the weather is quite bad. Strongarm and Dakota decide to find shelter somewhere else. This is a friendship between the two femmes.

Warnings: none

OC Description: Dakota is a Cybertronian maned wolf with jewel beetle wings. She wears a amulet that her brother gave her before he died. She's quick and light on her feet. Her personality is: sweet, hardcore, sassy, doesn't like flirting, helpful and friendly.

Date: August 1th
((Dakto's P.O.V))
The sun slowly started to set but the clouds made the sky look darker than it actually was. Dakota tilted her head to the sky and narrowed her optics. "Rain..." she growled to herself. Her attention snapped back to Bumblebee as he pushed an annoying Sideswipe out of the way and strolled over to where she was standing. "Morning Dakota," he greeted her before passing. The Cybertronian maned wolf watched Bumblebee vanish in the distance for a patrol and left her wondering why it was so quiet today,

"Dakota?!" She rolled her optics and turned. "Up to something today? If you are bored I know we can go somewhere... together," A smirk pulled on Sideswipe's lips and winked at her. A rumble escaped from her form. Gosh she forgot how much she hated it when someone tried to flirt with her. "Piss off, Sideswipe! Leave me alone and go bother someone else!" she snapped and passed. "Oh, come on, sweetspark... I know a good place," he purred. "Yeah, and I know a good place where I will kick you if you don't piss off!" she growled.

Sideswipe sucked in a breath and childish repeated her before walking off to bother Fixit or whoever, Dakota didn't really care at the moment. "I would have kicked him..." Strongarm grinned as she approached. When Dakota joined Bumblebee, she was so happy to figure out there's another femme walking around the scrapyard. Just the image of being alone with all these mechs already drove her crazy.

"He's a pain in the aft..." Dakota scowled and watched Strongarm laugh, but she wasn't so amused. The only thing that smoothed her annoyance was the fact that Strongarm disliked Sideswipe just as much as she did and was only amused with her. "Come on." Strongarm gestured to Dakota to follow her. "So, what's going on today?" she questioned, her optics focussed on Strongarm. Although, the other femme didn't look back at her and kept her optics straight on the horizon.

"Nothing special I guess. Bumblebee is doing a patrol himself... so I guess we have some time to chill," Strongarm replied and smirked a little bit. Dakota hummed and sat down on the ground. They chatted for a bit and gossipped until a drop fell on her form. Dakota tilted her gaze to the sky as more rain drops fell on her snout. Soon, it was raining quite hard and there was no place for Dakota to hide. The scrap yard offered little protection against bad weather and while Danny had promised to make a shelter or some sort of garage for them, he didn't make lots of progress. "Sucks..." Strongarm scowled as she looked up at the sky as well.

"Shall we try to seek some shelter in the woods?" Dakota got up, "I know a place..." Strongarm transformed and drove, making the mud fly up. Dakota sprinted after into the woods that surrounded the scrapyard. A place Dakota loved to come and hang out... if the weather is better. She loved to be out here and enjoy the peace of the forest. As Strongarm came to a halt, Dakota's jewel beetle wings moved to get the water off. "A cave?" she asked curiously and wondered why she never came across this. "Yup... Sideswipe calls it his mancave... he probably doesn't mind if we borrow his special place." Dakota giggled and followed Strongarm.

"Much better..." Dakota said in approval and looked around. "Yup... it's perfect, huh?" she asked, sitting down against the wall. For a couple of minutes, they watched the rain getting worse. "Oh my Primus... my day can't get any better." Both girls looked up. "Sideswipe! What are you doing here?" Strongarm questioned and arched an optic ridge. "This is my mancave... my place to chill and hang out with girls and now I got two beautiful girls," he purred and joined. Dakota was only able to roll her optics. "Sideswipe! Move... leave us alone," Strongarm snapped and nudged the red mechs side. "I don't think I want to go and leave these two beautiful femmes unprotected in the rain..." Sideswipe chuckled.

Strongarm and Dakota exchanged a look with each other. "Do you think you're funny, Sideswipe? We came here to seek shelter for the bad weather and to have some privacy and now you showed up," Dakota grumbled and glared at Sideswipe. The red mech shrugged and wrapped his arms forcefully around the two femmes. "Yup and now you have me as well," he chuckled. "You want a kick in your interface?" both Strongarm and Dakota asked in sync. Sideswipe's face dropped and slowly pulled his arms back. "I need to protect you... from evil and from the thunder. What if you get spooked?" he purred smugly.

Sideswipe's optics fell on Dakota and reached out for the amulet she was wearing. The one her brother gave her before he died. "Touch it, I'll bite your servo off!" She hissed furiously. Sideswipe flinched and scooted closer towards Strongarm. "Scared?" she laughed. "I am not scared of anything! Especially not of her..." he grumbled the last part and looked away. "Then keep your servo's with you, fragger!" Dakota scowled and looked at the rain again. "Honestly, I thought this was going to be fun... you guys are evil. Pure evil."

The red mech moved away from the femmes. "We are not evil... just clear in what we want," Strongarm grumbled and rolled her optics. "Such a shame because I am absolutely amazing and fun to have around... you two are always bullying me."
"It's not bullying, Sideswipe. I just hate it when you flirt..." Dakota sulked and rolled her optics once more. Sideswipe opened his intake to say something but before he could, a lightning bolt struck through the air and was followed by a loud blow. Sideswipe uttered a scream and shrunk. Dakota couldn't help but laugh at the mech, "scared?" she joked. "I guess he is, D!" Strongarm chuckled. Sideswipe snorted and shot them a glare. "Oh, Sideswipe... maybe you should ask Bumblebee to hold your servo," Dakota chuckled. "Evil!" The red mech shouted as he transformed and drove off dramatically.

"Mechs." Strongarm chuckled and smirked a little bit. "What do they need without us, huh?"

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