TF3| Dino x Insecure! Mech reader

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Plot: The reader is more like thinker than a fighter. Quite insecure as well, and he has a crush on Dino.

Warnings: None

My optics traveled down the hanger. The sun just rose and the first rays of sunshine entered through the large windows. For a Late June morning, it was quite chilly. Optimus told me this is what humans call 'summer' a time where the weather changes. It becomes hotter, but honestly, I haven't noticed much of it. A lot of rain and thunder storms but no heat. Maybe Prime was wrong. I spend a lot of time thinking. Ironhide says I am thinking too much. I am not a brilliant fighter like Optimus or Ironhide, but I try my best.

I came to earth about a week ago, but I don't understand anything of these strange little creatures. They're so weird... and small. Their bodies are made out of a soft tissue, very easy to cut through and they have a strange red liquid but also... fleshy things Ratchet described as organs. They also have something called 'bones' and that's the base of their body. Without it, they would be nothing but a bundle of flesh. Because they're made out of flesh, they're so squishy, almost like a teddybear, but then with less hair I guess. I have spend hours observing them, and I still don't understand them.

Therefore, I decided to stay away from them. I don't want to hurt them or say something wrong. I am scared to mess up and I don't want them to hate me. I want them to like me. I perked my head up as my name was called. 'Can you drive a patrol?' Ironhide asked. 'A patrol?' I repeated in utter disbelief. He nodded. 'But... where do I go? What if I get lost and... the rules... humans got rules and I don't know them all. What if I do something wrong? What if the humans get mad at me—' he raised his servo.

'(Y/n), so you know how the color red looks like?'
'Yeah, of course I do.'
'And green?'
'Good, then you'll be fine. Red is stop and green is go.'
'What do you mean by that?'
'Traffic lights, (y/n)!'

He already walked off. 'Green is go, red is stop.' I repeated it a couple of times to gain some confidence. Traffic lights, huh? Who invented them? If they're such a help for the humans, why didn't we have them? My processors kept coming up with a million of questions and I hadn't even noticed I was standing here for 20 minutes. '(Y/n)!' Ironhide yelled again. I jumped. 'Back already?' He snapped. My optics widened. 'I am sorry, I was—'

'Thinking? Yes, I know.'

I sighed. 'I don't think I should be driving this patrol...' I muttered. 'Jeez, (y/n)! How did you ever survive,' he snapped. I looked away. He waved me off. I left the hanger. I know how they talk about me behind my back. I am not like the others. I just wanted ander to hide and be alone. I quickened my pace. On my way, I saw Dino. He was parked in the hanger. Dino is my crush for a lot of years. He's everything I am not and especially confident and secure. He knows what he's doing. If I was just a little bit more like him, my life would be a lot easier.

I wanted to talk to him, but what do I say? I don't wanna make it awkward or say something stupid. It would be my worst nightmare. (Y/n)?' I yelped. 'Easy, ragazzo.' My cooking vents kicked in. 'What's your problem?' He asked. I shook my head. 'Problem? I don't have a problem, I was only thinking, that's all.'
Dino chuckled. 'Again? You think to much, piccolo.'

Dino towered above me. He's at least three heads taller than me. 'What are you thinking?' He asked. I gulped. 'Can I ask you some advice?' I asked. He hummed. 'What if there's someone... and you really like that person... you actually wanna... spend time with that person but little nervous about asking... what would you do?' I asked. 'Oh, piccolo, you have a crush?' He teased. I blushed madly. 'What?! N-no... of course not. I just wanna... know what's you would do, that's all,' I muttered. 'Il mio piccolo, listen... if you find your amore, you do not waste time thinking. Your actions are more importante, Capito?' I nodded slowly.

'But I don't know if he likes me.'

'He?' I shook my helm. 'N-no... I meant her of course,' I snorted. He raised an optic ridge. 'Ascoltare, it doesn't matter. You need to listen more to your spark than your head, piccolo. Trust me, I've been there before,' he stated. I sighed and nodded. 'Just go to him and tell him how you feel,' he stated. 'Her,' I corrected hoarsely. 'You don't fool me, piccolo. I know everything,' he stated. Not everything I thought. It's impossible for him to know everything. He knows a lot, but not everything. 'Alright, thanks for the advice I guess.'

I didn't sleep for a week, trying to gain confidence to tell him. I was scared to get rejected and getting laughed at. It happened before on Cybertron. A popular mech, really handsome but I didn't  know he already had a sparkmate, a femme. I got burned to the ground that day. I still feel the pain by just thinking about it.
I walked through the halls and knocked on Dino's door. He raised an optic ridge as he spotted me. 'Piccolo, it's late. Something wrong?' He asked. 'I uh... I am following your advice.'
'You are—' I attempted to go for his derma's but I was too short. Maybe if he had lowered his helmet a little bit, I would've been able to reach it.

This was the most embarrassing thing ever. Dino stepped back. 'I am sorry...' I trailed off. He stared at me for several minutes. It's better for me if I flee now. I tried to run but he tackled me. I groaned and turned. 'You're leaving, stupido?' I couldn't bring out a single word. Dino straddled me. 'I am sorry, okay? I didn't mean for this to happen...' he placed his digit on my derma's. 'You do not talk anymore, stupido. I this isn't the way of doing it. I told you to talk first.'

I sighed. 'I am Sorry...' I muttered. 'You're lucky I already know how you feel about me.' My optics widened. 'This is how you do it.' He leaned in and kissed me gently my cooling vents kicked again. This is not how I envisioned it to go. 'That's how you do it,' he stated and tapped on my chassis. 'You knew? For how long? How?' I complained. 'Piccolo, i am not stupid. I know everything. You weren't ready yet,' he added. I sighed. Dino got up and helped me back up on my ped. 'You come with me. We're not done for tonight yet,' he said before pulling me into his dorm.

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