Fights and Confrontations

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Pov: The team has a game against Canada, and Tobin goes against Allysha Chapman and eventually gets in a physical fight. Tobin and Christen are close friends, and like each other a lot, but are too scared to tell the other.

Tobin's Pov

It was game day, and the team had been training all week for it. Canada held some good competition and pressure, but the US team felt ready to take them on. This morning, the team was to have a meeting and take it easy for the day before leaving to the stadium.

I woke up to my alarm and groaned at the sun shining through the hotel room. I looked over and saw Christen sleeping on the other bed sound asleep. God, I could look at her all day. Not in a creepy way of course, but whenever she smiled, it made my heart skip a beat, or when she laughed, god my stomach always flips.

I watched as her back rose up and down as she was in her peaceful state. I wish I wasn't so scared to tell her how I feel about her. We're good friends, and we love to hang out with each other, and I don't want to risk losing that if she doesn't feel the same way. I almost told her once, after practice, but saw her texting a guy for 45 minutes so I left that scene and bottled up my emotions.

I slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I then changed into some soccer shorts, a loose shirt, and decided to go do some morning yoga cause why not? As I grabbed my phone and my water bottle, I heard Christen stirring.

"Mhm, Tobin?" She croaked in her morning voice.

"Christen, hi, I didn't mean to wake you up," I replied.

"You didn't, I thought you were gone, and I got worried," she sighed. That made Tobin get her usual butterflies in her stomach, "where are you going?" She asked.

"Going to do some morning yoga, wanna come?" I offered.

"Of course, you didn't think you could sneak out of here to do one of my favorite activities, did you?"

Tobin chuckled, "of course not, I'll wait."

Christen got up and changed into some yoga pants, and an athletic tank top before walking out with me to one of the meeting rooms we were renting out for yoga sessions or therapy. As we started, we were side by side, and began to do some easy poses, before getting into the more challenging ones.

Christen was a pro at yoga, whenever she wasn't playing soccer, she would do this. I watched as she stood perfectly still with one leg stretched back all the way, closing her eyes and stretching downwards. I couldn't help but move my eyes to her ass as she did this, but I quickly looked away before she caught me.

As I tried to copy her, I wobbled a little, and almost fell over. I don't know if I should be embarrassed, or I should accept it knowing we both knew I'm not as good as Christen.

"Here, let me help," she offered. As I held my foot up, I felt Christen's hands hold firmly on my hips as she helped keep me balanced. My eyes went big for a split second, and that was enough for me to get distracted and fall over. But I kept my cool and took a deep breath in as I tried to focus less on her hands and on my pose.

"There, you got it," she smiled. She didn't let go of me, and still had them there. Before either of us could say anything, the door opened and Rose, Emily, Mal, and Lindsey walked in laughing. Christen dropped her hands and walked back to her mat.

"Hey guys, up early I see," said Emily cheerfully.

"Sup guys," I nodded.

The rest of the time Christen and I finished up our yoga workout, and walked back to our room to change and get ready for the meeting. As I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, I started walking towards the shower, when Christen had the same idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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