Harry Potter AU: Pt. 1

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Pov: Tobin and Christen are attending Hogwarts, but are in different houses. Both play Quidditch and despite being enemies on the field, they can't help but become friends with one another.

"I hate Herbology, Professor Sprout is grilling on me whenever I'm in her class," Tobin groans to Ashlyn as she sits on one of the big tables in the Great Hall.

"Cheer up, after a few weeks, you don't have to take her classes and you can be free from her," said Ashlyn, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.

"And to top it off, I'm worried about the game today. Gryffindor has a 5-4 record with Ravenclaw, and I heard they've recruited some really good players," complained Tobin.

"Yeah, but you're one of the best players on the team, you got nothing to worry about," Ashlyn shrugged.

"I'm not worried for myself Ash, I'm worried about the others. We're good and all, but we've kind of been lacking this year. You hold yourself well at keeper," Tobin complimented at the end.

"You worry too much, here, have a pasty," Ashlyn offered.

"And to top it off, I've noticed Blaze keeps following me. The damn keeper from Slytherin. He watches every step I take, and I don't know why. Maybe he wants to see what he's facing on our match next week."

"That's so weird Tobin."

"Tell me about it," Tobin groaned. She slumped over, and rested her head on the table, not able to eat the pasty.

"Speaking of the devil," Ashlyn murmured and Tobin looks up to see Blaze walking in the Great Hall, followed by his minions and a girl Tobin did not recognize. Tobin tries not to stare at her, but she couldn't help it. She looks over at Tobin and Ashlyn  for a second and returns her attention to her group.

"Hey Ash, who's that?" Tobin pointed towards the girl.

Ashlyn followed Tobin's gaze, "you don't know her?" The blonde asked surprised while Tobin shakes her head, "well since you live in a bubble, you obviously wouldn't know who she is. Her name's Christen Press and for starters, she's a pure-blood so it makes sense she's in Slytherin. She's a chaser on the Quidditch team. Her parents used to go here, and their names still ring through the halls."

"God, she's beautiful," Tobin couldn't help saying.

"Sorry to break it to you, but she's with Blaze.

"I hate him even more now," Tobin growled, gripping her wand from her robe's pocket. Tobin gives one last glance over to the Slytherin table, and noticed a pair of green eyes studying her from afar, but she quickly turns back when Tobin makes eye contact.




"Come on Ms. Heath, focus on getting that plant in," said Professor Sprout. Tobin struggles as she lifts up the plant, who's roots only wrap around Tobin's wrists and tighten its grip.

"Arg, it keeps doing that!" Tobin explained.

"You need to study your books more Ms. Heath," Professor Sprout sighed and walked away.

Tobin groaned and puts the plant back in its original pot, casting a spell for the roots to let go of her arm.

Once the class was dismissed, Tobin walks to the Gryffindor Tower and flops on her bed. Although Tobin was nervous about the game later that day, she couldn't help but think about Christen, the girl she saw at the table.

She didn't know she was popular here, but what did she expect since she lived under a bubble. 

But ever since that brief eye contact, Tobin couldn't get Christen out of her mind. Not only is she cute, but she carried this mysterious aura around her. Tobin wonders if she knows who she is.

As one of the above average students, being a quidditch player and known for doing some questionable stunts and being a hero. For instance, Tobin was able to save a first year from dying from the Whomping Willow and the news spread like wildfire.

Tobin realized her game was coming up, so she got up and walked down to the pitch, where she put on the Gryffindor uniform and grabbed her broom. She found Ashlyn fumbling with her padding.

"Hey, you ready?" Tobin asked coming up to Ashlyn and helping her.

"You bet, ready to block some shots and destroy Ravenclaw," she said.

Tobin chuckled, and once the whole team was set up, they mounted their brooms and as the doors opened, they all flew across the clear blue sky, where they heard the crowd cheering.

Tobin looks out over the people, and sees the Gryffindor crowd going wild. She gives a wave, and passes the Hufflepuff crowd. As she passed the Slytherin section, she could easily spot the green eyed girl looking right at her. She froze slightly, but shook it off as she needed to be focused.




"I told you we'd win!" Yelled Ashlyn as she went over to Tobin after the game.

Tobin laughed, "you had some amazing saves Ash, it would be a different score if you weren't playing."

"Just wait until our match against Slytherin. It will be most competitive one this month," pointed out Ashlyn.

"Don't worry, this time, I have faith," Tobin said.

After she got changed, Tobin walked out back to the castle where she would be meeting her teammates for a drink in Hogsmeade when she saw Christen looking at her again.

With enough courage, Tobin decided to just confront the girl and see what her deal was.

"You know, in this world, it's kind of strange to stare at people," Tobin teased once she got up to the pure-blood.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I saw you playing today, and was kind of intimidated by your moves out there," she replied, averting her gaze.

"Hey, just trying to be funny. You knew on the team?" Asked Tobin. Duh, of course she is new dumbass she thought to herself.

"Yeah, I play-"

"Chaser, I know. I keep tabs on other players here," Tobin quickly said.

"Interesting, then I guess you've heard about my skills then," she quirked.

"I've heard rumors that you trained with the legendary Doris Clearwater to be where you are today," Tobin mentioned.

"Yeah, and the part I won three champion cups for the Appleby Arrow?"

"You trying to intimidate me, cause I think I finally see a real competitor next week," chuckled Tobin.

"Oh big talk coming from you. It will be an honor to play against the mischievous Tobin Heath," Christen smirked.

"Hey Christen, time to go!" Yelled Blaze from afar, standing with his friends. Christen turned around, nodded, and turned back to face Tobin.

"I have to go, but it was nice to talk to you," Christen smiled.

"I'll see you on the pitch next week then," Tobin nodded.

"Oh I think we'll see each other much sooner," Christen responded.

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