Star Wars AU: Pt. 2

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Pov: Story continues as Tobin and Christen lead a group of clones to destroy the droid factory, where they meet danger and a Sith to deal with. Tobin along the way tries to find answers from her past.

"Start descending, we can't let them see us," Tobin instructed to the clone driving.

"Right away," he replied. The ship became more invisible and was able to go underwater. Once they were in reach, Tobin faced her band of clones.

"Right, we'll take them in multiple directions. I'll take a group to the front, while Christen will take another to the side, and finally Rex will take his group to the back, where we will eventually corner them," instructed Tobin. Everyone nodded and began putting on their helmets.

They all wore underwater suits that they would be able to swiftly travel in so they wouldn't be so easily spotted.

"You ready?" Tobin asked Christen, helping her with her equipment.

"You wanna race?" She challenged

"Whoever is the first one to get on top and gets to the center?" Tobin suggested.

"If and when you lose, you have to give me 50 credits," Christen smirked.

"That's funny, cause I'm not going to lose," Tobin replied.

"We'll see," Christen last said before putting on her helmet.

"Alright, we'll all meet up there, and hopefully we won't run into too much trouble," Tobin said to everyone. She put on her helmet, and got ready to be released into the water.

The ground beneath them disappeared, and they all plunged into the water. Tobin took her group to the right, while Rex and Christen took theirs to the left.

"Captain, what kind of droids do they have? I heard they have this new thing," Cody asked Tobin, a Commander.

"Those rumors are unfortunately true Cody, we just don't know exactly what. That's why it is very important to destroy this place," Tobin replied, continuing to use the jet on her back to thrust her forward.

"Ugh, we clones came from this planet," Cody continued.

"I know this might be hard, but this is the mission," Tobin reassured.

"As long as I can blast a couple of clankers, I'm all in," said Cody.

They swam to their location and finally got into position.

"Christen, Rex, what's your status?" Tobin asked through her communicator.

"We're in position, just give us the word," Christen said.

"Rodger that Captain, we're all good too," Rex replied.

"Alright, you know what to do," Tobin finally said before starting to swim up and climbed the poles once got into air. The clones followed behind, and once they got to the ledge, Tobin used the force to leap up and take out the droids outside.

It was pouring, and heard the rest behind her. She took off her helmet, "Right clones, this way!"

They ran to the front, where they were met by more battle droids. Tobin and her group took them out one by one, and passed through the locked doors. One clone put a bomb on the door, pushed some buttons, and got in the clear. They all got to the side, and heard the explosion. They charged in, and fought the droids that were waiting.

"Fuck, there will be plenty of them, since this is a droid factory," commented Cody, shooting with his blaster.

"Yeah no shit," Tobin said, using her lightsaber to block the blasts, ricocheting back to them. They slowly made progress, and took out the lasts ones. Tobin turned off her lightsaber, and walked through the halls with her group behind.

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