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Pov: Christen is the popular girl in high school. Head soccer player, straight A-student, and a stunning girl that every guy wants to be with and what every girl wants to be. On the other end, Tobin has a "badass" reputation. Quiet, but will stir up things when necessary, mysterious, and goes from girl to girl.

Tobin's Pov

School sucked. It was the worst place to be, so, that's why I love skipping. Don't worry, I don't skip every class. Just the ones I don't like. Which is pretty much not being there half the day. I only stick with Ashlyn and Ali who always got my back and really understand me.

All those moments I have with girls are to fill empty gaps when I need it. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but I don't care. I'm living life the way I like it.

As soon as I stepped inside, I groaned as I walked to my locker and grabbed textbooks for the classes I would actually attend to. And just as I closed it, Ashlyn and Ali appeared. The three of us didn't have the smoothest school record. We would always get in trouble with either other students and/or sometimes with teachers. Nothing too serious, but it was enough to get sent to the principal's office a lot. Fortunately, the principal was Ashlyn's Aunt, so she would scold us, but then act as though nothing happened after.

"Sup guys," I murmured. Thank god I knew these two.

"We we're thinking, after third period, we skip classes and hang out by the bleachers?" Ashlyn proposed.

"Sure, I could have a good joint," I smirked. I couldn't remember the last time I had some good weed, but I knew Ashlyn had the best kind. As I sat through the first two periods of class, I slumped over and didn't really pay attention to the teacher.

Most teachers knew my antics, and at this point in the game, they were too tired to care and do anything about it. When the second period bell finally rang, I jumped up and ran outside to the football field where the bleachers were and found Ashlyn and Ali already there.

"Hey guys, Ashlyn, I hope you have the good stuff- whoa, whoa, whoa, Tobin here!" I immediately covered my eyes when I saw the two kissing each other.

"Oh, hey Tobin, didn't see ya there," Ali chuckled.

I stuck out my tongue and made a face as if I was disgusted, but in reality, I was just giving them a hard time, "ew, get a room."

They laughed and made room for me to sit. I sat a row above them, making a triangle shape out of us. As Ashlyn was pulling out the weed, my eyes wondered towards the field, and realized the girls' soccer team was there practicing. I knew some of them as they flirted with me and I would sometimes hook up with them. Yeah, you're probably wondering why a sports team is practicing in the middle of a school day, but here's the thing. They've won five state championships, played internationally, and have beaten their conference almost every year. They're a big deal, so being on such an elite team comes with perks. Skipping classes. I also don't understand it, but I don't care at the end. But what really stopped me was when I spotted a girl I have never seen before.

She was beautiful and I felt like time stopped for a second. I watched as the girl took the ball down the field all by herself, racing past the defenders and scoring a goal. She high-fived some of her teammates and for a split second, I locked eyes with her.

"Earth to Tobin, what are you thinking?" Interrupted Ashlyn. She waved her hand in front of my face, and I blinked quickly and looked down at my friends. Ali furrowed her eyebrows, and looked at where I was looking, and immediately knew.

"More like, what are you looking at," she corrected, chuckling under her breath. Ashlyn turned, and her eyes went wide.

"Oh, shut up," I frowned, swatting Ali's arm, "since you guys caught me, do you know who that girl is?"

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