The Substitute Teacher Pt. 2

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It was the morning after that night. The night Christen and Tobin kissed. That moment kept swirling in Tobin's mind. She couldn't believe she had kissed her frickin Biology teacher.

All night, Tobin had a hard time falling asleep. She didn't know if she enjoyed the kiss. Well, of course she enjoyed the kiss, but if she accepted the fact she kissed a teacher. Maybe it was her own fault, that she should've done something to stop it. No, she knew she liked Christen. A lot.

Tobin finally mustered enough strength to get out of her bed and got changed to get ready for school, and when she arrived, the only person she could think to find was Lindsey. As she walked through the halls, she saw at a distance, Christen talking to other teachers, acting normal.

Before she was caught staring, she kept her head down and took a turn and fortunately found Lindsey at her locker.

"Dude, I need to talk to you, now," Tobin hissed.

"Hold on a sec Tobs, need to fix my hair," Lindsey replied, still focused on her mirror locker. Tobin rolled her eyes and pulled Lindsey into an empty classroom, not caring one bit about Lindsey's looks.

"Hey, what the hell?" Lindsey explained. Tobin shut the door and took a deep breath, "Tobin, what's going on, you good? Did ya get drunk at the party? Sorry about that actually for dipping, but I-"

"Lindsey, I need you to listen to me," Tobin interrupted, her jaw clenched at what she was about to say next.

"Okay," Lindsey only said, leaning against a desk and putting her full attention on her best friend.

Tobin took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts, mind, and hoping to slow down her racing heart, "this is going to sound crazy, and stupid, and irresponsible, but... I kissed Ms. Press last night."

Lindsey didn't say anything. Once those words were out of Tobin's mouth, her eyes went a little wide, and she looked out the window.

"Say something. Please," Tobin asked.

"I mean this totally supports my theory. You two can't stop looking at each other in class, you get hot and flustered at her name, and especially when she calls your name. It's frickin' funny to watch!" Lindsey giggled.

"This isn't funny! How am I supposed to go on when this is hanging over me?"

"Wait, I want the details, tell me everything that happened after I left," Lindsey instructed, crossing her arms. So Tobin told her everything. She told Lindsey she needed gas, and as she was putting some in, she met Christen and how she needed help with her car. And how a creepy guy tried to take Tobin home and Christen's reactions by getting protective, and finally their kiss in Tobin's car.

"So, what should I do now?" Tobin asked, taking a deep breath and hoping her best friend would have something to give her.

"I'd wait and see how Ms. Press- or Christen treats you today, then you can play your dice. But I'd be careful Tobin, you guys did get in a complex situations with you being a student and her a teacher."

Tobin only nodded, and Lindsey patted her back to help calm her down. The first period, Tobin could feel her heartbeat rapidly changing, and to be honest, she wouldn't mind having her own heart kill her right then and there so she could avoid the inevitable.

She kept looking at the clock, watching it as it ticked closer to the end of the period. Tobin was a fucking mess, and there was nothing that could calm her down. Her throat felt dry, and she had a hard time sitting still.

What if Christen acts different around me? She'll probably treat me terrible. I wonder how she's doing? Maybe she's already moved on and is acting like it never happened. Those were just some out of the many thoughts that raced through Tobin.

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