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Pov: Christen has to give a presentation to the board of a company and is nervous to see Tobin (ceo) there

Warning, smut scene!!!

Christen's Pov.

It was a long day at the office, and I still had to give a long presentation to the staff about my proposal to the company.

"Hey Chris, you ready?" Asked Kelley, tapping on her window door.

"Yep, let me just grab my stuff and we can head over," I said, a nervous tone followed behind my words.

"What's wrong, you nervous eh?" Kelley asked suspiciously.

"Don't give me a hard time now Kelley, I'm already stressed as it is," I sighed.

"Stressed how the meetings going to turn out, or stressed that Tobin's going to be there?" Kelley wiggled her eyebrows.

That's another thing. I has had a massive crush on Tobin Heath. And she's not just a co-worker. She's the FRICKEN CEO of the whole damn company, and I always melted just thinking of it.

"I can't help it that I have a crush on her. And it's not like she's going to find out, right?" I looked deeply at Kelley.

"Relax Christen, your secret is safe with me," Kelley answered, "now come on, we're going to be late."

As we walked in the meeting room, Tobin had not yet arrived, so I was able to take a few more extra deep breaths.

I set up my slide presentation, got my notes out, and did last minute things before I could feel the room's vibe change.

I slowly looked up, and saw Tobin walking in. People made a path for her, and she sat down at a chair. Her usual outfit, a blazer, white buttoned up shirt, and matching pants all fit perfectly on her stature.

I couldn't help but feel a slight tingle throughout my body. But I couldn't let that overcome me. I shook it off, and waited as the last people trickled in.

I looked at Kelley, and she gave a nod.

"Alright folks, settle down, Christen is going to give her presentation," announced Tobin. She turned to look at me, and my breathing stopped for a second. She nodded for me to begin, and I nodded back.

The whole time I was giving my lecture, I could feel Tobin's eyes on me the whole time.

I've given thousands of presentations before with ease even with Tobin in the same room, but today just threw me off somehow.

"So as you can see with this data, our sales could be going up by 20% then what it is now," I stated. People's heads nod and I looked at Tobin briefly. She looked interested to say the least, and I gulped.

I looked at Kelley for reassurance, and she smiled to tell me that I was doing fine.

When the presentation was finished, people applauded for my efforts.

"Thank you Christen, that was very intriguing," Tobin said after.

"Thank you Ms. Heath, I'm glad you liked it," I shivered.

"Alright everyone, we will pick this up tomorrow, and we can decide where to move forward. It's been a long day for everyone, so you are all dismissed," Tobin said.

People packed up and started walking out of the room. I began to put away my own personal things, when I saw a pair of feet by me. I slowly looked up, and saw it was Tobin Heath.

"Ms. Press, if you wouldn't mind, can you stay for a moment?" The ceo asked. I briefly looked behind her to look at Kelley, and she smirked and gave a nod.

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