Hunger Games AU Pt. 1

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Pov: Tobin is from District 7, known for their work on lumber, is drawn into the Hunger Games. Christen is from District 8, known for working in the textile industry, is also forced to be a part of the Games for the Capital's pleasure. Will a spark of friendship bring comfort and the upper hand before the games?

"Tobin Heath!" The capital woman calls out over the microphone.

Tobin's heart drops, and looks up slowly and sees people around her slowly move away from her.

"Come on darling, we don't have all day," she said. Tobin took deep, but short breaths before slowly walking up to the stage. The whole time she was walking, no one made a sound. The only thing that could be heard was Tobin's footsteps. Once she gets up, she sees the crowd of people, and wished they wouldn't look at her.

"And now for the men," the capital woman smiles. She walks over to the glass fish bowl and puts her hand in, takes out a slip of paper, walks back to the mic, and says, "Oliver Wilson!"

The same thing happens to him, and a path is made as he walks up. He was a big fellow, well built, could throw several heavy punches, and was a good worker. Tobin never talked to him, but with this event, looks like she has to.

"Our tributes, to District 7, shake hands now!" The woman says. Tobin and Oliver look at each other, both looking like they've just seen the Devil himself, and shake hands.

"Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" The woman than takes the two away, and Tobin is left with Oliver and the woman.


A few moments later, Tobin's door is opened, and in walks her family, "oh my god Tobin!" Her mom exclaimed, tears coming down her face. Tobin embraces in a hug.

"Tobin, just like I've taught you. That axe swinging practice will come in handy," says Jeffrey, trying to hold back tears.

"We will make sure you are taken care of. Don't worry Tobin. You got this," said Perry.

"I'll try guys," croaked Tobin.

"No, give it your all girl," says her dad.

"I'm sorry, but I can't watch you die Tobin!" Katie cries.

"You think I'm going to die? I need all the support I can get," Tobin tried lightening up the mood.

"Just don't be stupid," Katie chuckles.

"Times up!" Yelled the guard in the white uniform, opening the doors.

"No, please, just one more minute with my baby!" Cried Tobin's mom. Without another word, the guards force Tobin's family out of the room, leaving Tobin all by herself again.

All in a blur, Tobin is brought to the train, where she meets Oliver who looks like he was in tears, the area around his eyes were puffy. Once the train started moving, Tobin sits down and looks out the window. She was offered food, but she was refused. She never imagined she would be picked, but better her than her siblings she thought.

Tobin had practiced some fighting skills just in case the event should occur, and through that and working in the forest, she had built up a good body to keep up with the speed of the game.

"You thinking how to help your family?" Oliver suddenly asks from across the room, also sitting down on the plush seats

"Excuse me?"

"You know I had a suspicion I would get called," he continued.

"Why did you think that?"

"The odds are never in my favor, and so what better way than to be called to fight to the death? Just the cherry on top. I just hope to make it out and help support my family."

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