Hunger Games AU Pt. 2

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Pov: Christen and Tobin are thrusted into the Games, and are forced to fight for the chance to see their families and loved ones again, and to hold the Victory title. In the most darkest times, fate has a way of bringing the two together.

Warning. There is some violence in this chapter. Please don't read if you don't want to read the violent parts.

Today was the day. The tributes were brought to the arena, and were put inside the tubes where they would be brought up to Cornucopia.

Currently, Tobin was getting ready before stepping in her tube with her mentor Hibis.

"Now remember, breath, and go after the one weapon that you own," said Hibis.

"The axe. And a backpack for supplies," says Tobin.

"That's right. And remember to use your survival skills and use your allies," advised Hibis. Suddenly, a voice announced to the tributes to get in the tubes.

"Good luck Tobin, and remember..." he trails off. Tobin only nods and gets in the glass container. The ground beneath her starts to go up, and as she slowly starts to see the arena. It looked like it was divided into four, with snowy mountains, summer landscape, desert area, and what looked like a tropical rain forest.

The cornucopia was in the middle of a valley, and Tobin could see the cone shaped shelter where weapons, food, and other resources were laid out randomly. She gave a heavy exhale as she looked around to see the other tributes on their platforms, ready to run towards the center.

Tobin desperately tried to find Oliver and Christen, and sees the two next to each other. She gulps as she sees Colic giving her death looks. A tribute she decided not to partner with, which pissed him off.

The countdown began, and Tobin could see the big numbers go down, and once it hit zero, there was a boom sound, and everyone starts running.

Some run the other direction, while the majority run towards the cornucopia. Tobin sprints over, grabs the first backpack and is about to put it on, only to use it as a shield as a knife flies right to her. It almost went through the other side and pierce Tobin's chest, but luckily the backpack was thick enough to withstand the force the knife had.

She looks to see it was the District 5 girl who was crafty with knife throwing during the training days. Tobin leaves her and runs towards the stash of axes. Barely making it, she grabs the first one and kills a tribute, slashing right through his stomach before almost getting a blow to the head. Some of his blood splattered on Tobin, and she recoiled.

Not wasting anymore time, she grabs the matching pair and starts to run away, towards the summer landscape.

She hears a scream, and out of instinct turns her head to see Christen on the ground, looking up as a half grown man looming over her with a spear.

"No!" Tobin yells. She sprints over to them and throws one of her axes at the guy, landing square to his chest. He gasps, and looks down at it and crumples to the ground. She rips it out of him, his blood dripping off the blade.

"Come with me!" Tobin says to Christen, giving her hand.

Without another word, Christen takes Tobin's hand and both sprint towards the summer landscape. Several booms are heard, announcing how many deaths there were.

Tobin and Christen keep running, both not wanting to stop or look back. They reached a small white sand beach and gasp to stop.

"Are we safe?" Choked Christen with her dry throat.

"I think so. For now," gasps Tobin.

"Thank you for saving me," Christen sighed.

"Don't mention it."

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