Press Interview

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POV: Afterthe World Cup, Tobin and Christen take part in the press interview, and Tobin is nervous the whole time, and is suddenly being pressured in answering these personal questions but Christen is there to help

The USWNT had just won the world cup the fourth time, and players were in the locker room celebrating. Coolers of beer were being passed around, and the girls were all wearing googles as Champaign and god knows what other things were being sprayed.

"What's up bitches, meet your world cup champions!' Yelled Ashlyn to her phone.

But as the more crazier people were celebrating, off to the side, Christen and Tobin were sitting next to each other.

"Congrats babe, we did it," smiled Christen.

"I can say the same to you, I honestly was a little scared before," replied Tobin, taking a sip of beer.

"But we came out on top, and the other team played a beautiful game of soccer, and we will always remember their hard work. But let's take this time to celebrate us." Christen said.

"Christen, can I give you a kiss?" Tobin asked. The two were dating, and were open about their relationship to the whole team, just not to the public eye. Christen looked around the room to see if any phones or cameras were pointed in their direction, but didn't see one.

"Yes," she smiled. They leaned in, and gave a loving kiss to the other.

"Hey love birds! Come celebrate!" Shouted Emily with a half empty bottle of beer. The two chuckled, but stood up to join the rest of their team.

Christen turned to look to her side, and laughed as Mal was a little tipsy.

"What's so funny?" Tobin asked. Christen pointed towards Mal and Tobin gasped.

"I know this is the time to celebrate, but that's our little Mal," Tobin said, half joking and half sadness.

"Oh let her have her fun," Christen comforted.

"Okay team, gather around!" Yelled Jill. The team stopped and gathered around her, "a well-deserved victory ladies, each win is a chapter of breaking history," Jill started.

"Fuck yeah!" Ashlyn bellowed. Ali shushed her and people chuckled, even Jill.

"We're going to take a team photo and then we're going to have to start packing up. I need some players though to take interviews. How about Tobin, Christen, Megan, and Rose?"

The four nodded in agreement and started to head out to take their interviews.

"I always hate these things," Tobin grumbled.

"You'll be fine, just answer honestly and give them short answers and we'll be okay," Christen reassured her.

The doors to the press room opened, and immediately they were all bombarded by flashes and people yelling. They all sat in the row of seats behind the microphones and braced for the questions.

"Megan, how were you able to lead this team to victory?" A journalist asked.

"It's all about practice. Every day is a learning day for everyone, and I wouldn't be able to have gotten this far without the twenty-three players. They all contributed to the organization, which is really special and great to see for someone who has been a part of this for years," Megan said confidently.

"And Rose, how did it feel to score that goal?" Asked another.

As Rose was answering, Tobin saw Christen to the side acting as though she was into the whole interview.

Tobin hated these things, all because of one reporter asking her a personal question one time, not only making her feel uncomfortable, but also hated that people wanted to know her personal life.

"And Christen, as you take a big role, who and what do you go to find your amazing success?"

"Well, I first want to say that I couldn't have done it without my teammates. All of us push each other, and I think that kind of drive leads us to success. But personally I go to highlight clips and my closest friends to help me improve my skills and tactics in games," Christen responded.

"And who would you say are your closest friends?" continued the same reporter.

"It's funny actually, because many people view me and Alex butting heads all the time, but we're actually really good friends. We help push each other and yes, we are both very competitive so there is that natural determination to get that starting spot," said Christen. Tobin could tell Christen fidgeted on that response, as Tobin knew Christen wanted to say her name, but couldn't in order to avoid the exposure of their relationship.

"Tobin, what were your thoughts before the game today? Any concerns, worries, doubts?"" A female reporter asked.

"I'll be honest with ya, I was a little worried about today, not that I had any doubts of the team, but was scared of the idea of letting down our fans, our country, our family members," Tobin said, making sure to keep her response short and right to the point.

"And would you say you have a close relationship with everyone?" Continued the reporter.

Tobin gripped her shorts from under the table, "I do. The teammates are like family to me, which is why we stick together."

"Forgive me for being bold, but what is your love life like? People are wondering what your life is like outside of soccer," said the woman. Tobin's jaw clutched and she wanted to throw the chair across the room to shut the woman up.

"I-I would have to say th-that I just focus on soccer," Tobin struggled saying. She looked at the three players, and all were shifting in their chairs, feeling uncomfortable.

"So your saying that you have no life outside of the sport?"

"I-I'm not saying that. What's important to me is that I can play the sport I love," Tobin responses, getting frustrated the more time passed.

"Alright, that's all the questions they can answer," said a supervisor. People immediately began shouting, trying to get at least a word for their  individual questions.

The players only stood up and walked out of the room to head back to the others.

"What the fuck was that?!" Tobin hissed to Christen.

"That reporter shouldn't have been in there. They always block those kind of reporters," said Christen, holding onto Tobin.

"Those reporters make me sick," Rose said, "Tobin, don't listen to her, she only wanted to get inside your head."

"Thanks Rose, but that was freaking weird," Tobin replied.

"The team will always keep your guys' secret. We won't tell anyone until you're ready to," said Megan.

"Thanks guys, we really appreciate it. But can you give us a minute?" Asked Christen nicely. The two nodded and kept on walking while Tobin and Christen hung back.

"Tobin, look at me," Christen said. Tobin slowly looked Christen's face. She could feel tears suddenly coming up.

"You did an amazing job. You held your ground, and I don't care what they think. All I care about is us. You. I love you Tobin Heath, and the struggles you go through are my struggles too," Christen said, gently cupping Tobin's cheeks.

"I hate the press. I hate that people want to get in our business. I hate that we have to live like this," Tobin stuttered, tears suddenly escaping her eyes.

Christen wiped the tears away with her thumb, giving a small smile, "I know, but I don't care how terrible or how amazing our lives are, as long as I'm with you."

"I love you Christen," Tobin said.

"I love you too," she replied, leaning in and placing a kiss on Tobin's lips. They embraced each other, hugging tightly in the middle of the hall.

"You want to go and celebrate with the team over our victory?" Christen asked after a moment of silence.

"Sure, but then we hang out just the two of us," Tobin said.


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