Hunger Games AU Pt. 3

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Pov: As Tobin, Christen, and Flint continue their search for Oliver, they are forced to face their fears and join together to fight the one true enemy; President Snow. Will Flints ambitions in starting a rebellion become a reality? And will Christen and Tobin get over their emotions and take the leap?

Warning. There is some violence in this chapter. Please don't read if you don't want to read the violent parts.

The next day, the three of them immediately set out to find Oliver. They continue walking through the light snow, grateful there were no predators or tributes around.

"Are you sure he's here?" Asked Christen to Flint.

"Yes, I saw him take off with the others behind," replied Flint.

"Why does he got to be so god damn good at hiding. I wouldn't want to play hide and seek with him," complained Tobin.

Just then, they hear rustling. They stop and listen to see where exactly where it was coming from. Tobin then motions to the others as she sees something odd in the snow. She slowly and quietly walks over, and reaches and jabs towards the ground with the end of her axe handle.

Suddenly, a person shoots up and there stands Oliver, cold and frightened, "Jesus, you could have jabbed me with something a little less pointy?" He complains.

"How long were you under all that snow?" Tobin demands.

"For a few hours. I found a shelter area last night and stayed there. Almost got caught by the three tributes," he explains. Tobin shakes her head and hands him one of the blankets.

"We have to keep on moving, we've got to get out of the open," says Christen.

"These our new allies?" Oliver asks Tobin.

"Yes, so get used to it," Tobin said shortly.

They walked down the mountains, and got down to the jungle. With their added person, the four of them were one of the most dominating groups in the arena.

"So you didn't see Colic, Morel, or Valora?" Tobin asked Oliver.

"Last time I saw them were them chasing me. The only thing that stopped them was the snow storm," said Oliver.

"We have go back to the Cornucopia to see if there are any new supplies," says Flint.

"We go there, and we're out in the open," replied Oliver.

"You got any better ideas then?" Flint said shortly. Oliver looks dead in the eye with him. Tobin and Christen look at each other, and roll their eyes. Boys.

"Tobin, what do you think?" Oliver asks.

"I agree with Flint actually. There could be some supplies that might be of use for us," sighs Tobin. Oliver huffs out loud.

"It's settled, we're going back," said Flint.

As they walked, Tobin and Oliver walked next to each other while Christen and Flint walked behind.

"So when did we become friends with them?" Oliver asked.

Tobin gives a long stare, "be nice, Hibis told me to befriend them," said Tobin.

"Any reason why?"

"I'm starting to see, but right now it doesn't matter. We have to get to the Cornucopia and get new supplies."

Over to Christen and Flint, the two were also talking about the others, "so we're putting our trust in them?" Flint asked.

"Yes, and stop asking, I don't care that you and Oliver don't get along, it's just petty boy arguments," Christen rolled her eyes.

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