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POV: Christen and Tobin are forced to go clubbing with the USWNT team and Tobin dances with another woman and Christen is jealous

"You guys, come with us!" Said Megan. The whole team was going out tonight to party, and Christen and Tobin were not in the mood. They were in a secret relationship, and the idea of going out and dancing kind of terrified them.

"We were thinking about just watching movies," replied Christen, laying on her hotel bed and Tobin on the other, clearly stating that they were "not together."

"Ya'll are party poopers, and we won't take 'no' for an answer," said Kelley, already buzzed before the party.

"Okay first, you cannot say 'y'all' and second, we're not feeling up to it," Said Tobin. Kelley looked at the rest of the girls, and all gave evil smirks. This made Christen and Tobin very paranoid.






The USWNT had reached the club, and standing right in front was Christen and Tobin. Dead center. Looking at the fucking doors.

"Fuck, I always forget how persuasive our team can be," said Tobin, looking at Christen.

"We'll just stay here for an hour, and then call a cab," said Christen, laying out a plan.

"Alright ladies, let's get this party started!" Yelled Kelley, running into the club, and showing her I.D.

Once everyone was in the club, music was blasting all over, and people were dancing, socializing, and anything else you could think of.

The team walked up to the second level, where they were able to have V.I.P passes by some pulled strings.

It was a little more quiet, but music was still filling the whole place. They sat down in plush booths and ordered some drinks.

Shortly, drinks arrived at the table, and people yelled even louder. Tobin and Christen didn't order anything to avoid being drunk, but that didn't stop the team.

"Oh no you don't guys, this is a fun night, and take this advantage," said Emily, handing them shots.

"I'm good," said Christen, waiving the drinks away.

Emily lingered the shot glasses in front of Tobin, and Christen knew Tobin couldn't resist as much as Christen. At least when it comes to alcohol.

"Fuck it!" Tobin yelled and took the drinks and chugged them. People cheered and Christen only rolled her eyes.

Kelley and some others rushed to the dance floor and started dancing to the music, while Tobin and Christen sat on the outside of the booth.

Kelley suddenly ran up to them, and grabbed Tobin's arm to come dance.

"Tobin, don't leave me!" Christen yelled, but was no use as Tobin was dragged onto the dance floor.

Tobin watched as Kelley started dancing, but soon found the music fun and began to dance. She wasn't drunk, but she was definitely buzzed.

She suddenly felt strong hands turn her around, and she was confronted by a blonde young woman. She began to dance with Tobin, and Tobin, with not as much control, allowed the stranger to dance with her.

Off to the booths, Christen could see this bitch all over Tobin and wanted to walk over there and claim Tobin to herself.

"What's up with you? Why so tense?" Asked Julie.

"N-nothing, just the loud noise," lied Christen, glaring over at Tobin and the woman.

Julie followed Christen's gaze, and her eyebrows furrowed, "why you looking at Tobin?"

"It's nothing, just leave it be," snapped Christen.

"Oh my gosh, Christen Press is jealous," gasped Julie.

"Shut up Julie," hissed Christen.

"No, look at you, you can't stand that that woman is dancing with Tobin, wow, you must be over the edge at this point," teased Julie.

That was true. Christen was beyond words as she watched her girlfriend dancing, "I can't just let this happen, right?" Christen asked.

"Of course not, you go up there, and you take Tobin!" Said Julie in a confident voice.

Christen looked back and slowly nodded. She took a deep breath, and stood up, hearing Julie cheer from behind. She rolled her eyes, but confidently walked over to Tobin and tapped on her shoulder.

Tobin turned around, and double took as Christen was now standing by her.

"Ummmm, can we help you?" Asked the blonde woman.

"No, just need her thank you very much," Christen said without giving a second glance at the bitch and took Tobin away to a different part on the dance floor.

"'I-I'm sorry Ch-Christen. It's the alcohol. I-I know that's n-not an excuse b-but it really is," stuttered Tobin.

Christen stopped her by putting her index finger on Tobin's lips, "I know Tobin, but I just want you to know that you... kiss.... are.... kiss... mine...."

"Christen, what if someone sees us?" Tobin asked worriedly.

"I don't care, I think it's time to come out of the damn closet, don't you?" Christen asked, as she placed kisses on Tobin's neck.

Tobin didn't respond, but clutched Christen even closer. She knew what the two were doing tonight, and it wasn't what they had planned; movies and popcorn.

Christen then suddenly grabbed Tobin's hand and takes her back on the dance floor. She wrapped her hands around Tobin's neck, and started grinding on her. Her hands were now roaming all over Tobin's body.

Such a tease Tobin thought to herself. But two could play it at this game. Tobin placed her hands on Christen's waist, and put her face close to Christen's neck.

The height difference was perfect to leave soft kisses. Tobin could feel Christen give a soft moan which made Tobin lick Christen's sweet spot.

At that moment, both couldn't care if people were watching them. It was the team's night out since a couple weeks ago, and they deserved it to say the least.

Suddenly, Christen detached from Tobin and walked away, leaving Tobin all hot and confused.

Tobin watched as Christen was talking to what assumed a manager. Christen then spun around, grabbed Tobin's hand, and guided her  through the sea of people and into the bathroom.

Surprisingly, the bathroom was empty and Tobin could hear Christen locking the entrance. That's why Christen went to talk to the manager to ask for the key to the bathroom.

Christen walks over to Tobin, pins her to the wall, and started kissing her roughly.

"Just couldn't wait could ya?" Tobin asked with a small smile. Christen smiled back and pecked her lips.

"You are irresistible, not to mention a little bit of a teaser," she smirked and kissed Tobin hungrily.

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