Harry Potter AU: Pt. 3

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Pov: Tobin and Christen become even closer, and as they explore their new relationship, Blaze, Ashlyn, and others question their close connection. And as they continue to be together, challenges, threats, and new allies appear.

"Wh-what are y-you doing here?" Tobin stuttered. She sat up on the bed and looked at Christen sitting on the chair.

"Well after you fell, I couldn't see you immediately. Blaze made everyone from our team leave. I really wanted to see you though Tobin," she sighed.

"I appreciate it Christen, really I do, but I don't want you to get caught seeing me. What if Blaze comes here?"

"This is the last place he will go. Right now he's celebrating, even though he lost the game," she rolled her eyes. She placed her hand on top of Tobin's making her surprised but at the same time feel butterflies.

"Is it okay that I hate his guts?" Tobin asked.

Christen nodded, "you have my permission."

"Why are you dating him? He doesn't deserve you," Tobin asked.

"I never have liked him. I only "date" him because my parents force me to. Since he's also a pure-blood, it makes sense according for my family to date another pure-blood so our families can be united and be stronger."

"That's stupid. You shouldn't be forced to date who you don't want. If I were you, I'd leave him," Tobin said.

"I think about that every day, and for a while, it didn't make sense to," Christen sighed, "but I'm going to change that."

Tobin looked back up at Christen, slightly confused what she was trying to say.

"After this incident, I'm going to break up with him and make sure he pays for hurting you," she stated.

"Will I be too bold if I say that's a good plan?" Tobin asked.

"No, I should have done this a long time ago. I'm just glad you're okay Tobin. I don't think I could ever forgive myself," Christen smiled. After a moment of silence, "I should go, but I'll see you in class?"

Tobin nods, "thanks for visiting me."




After Tobin was released from the hospital, she hung out with Christen whenever she could. After Christen dumped Blaze, the two girls were able to relax more and hang with each other in public more.

Some people looked at them, wondering how a Gryffindor and a Slytherin could get along.

But they didn't care what other people thought, because to them it was them against the world.

As Tobin walked to the Gryffindor commons, she caught up with Ashlyn in the bedroom they shared.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" Tobin asked walking to her own bed.

Ashlyn didn't say anything, and continued to look out the window with her back towards Tobin.

"Ashlyn, you good?" Tobin asked, this time stopping what she was doing.

"I just don't understand you Tobin. Out of all the people, I would think you would never chose this," Ashlyn responded.

"Come again?"

Ashlyn turned around to look right at Tobin, "how can you even think about being friends with Christen. She's a Slytherin after all. Out of all the girls at this school, you just had to go after her," she sneered.

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