"Pip, Pepper!! Helloo! Wake up!" Someone was shaking my body.


"You fell asleep. We are here now." Holly said.

"Oh ehrm sorry."

"Yeah come on now. We're already a bit late. Screw this traffic."

She grabbed my arm and dragged me behind her to  a kind of back entry. There was standing a big bold man, who by the way doesn't look that scary

"Hey Mark, we're here to see Jessie. Don't worry, I talked to Cez earlier."

"Nice to see you Holly, yeah he told me about it. So you are?"

"I'm Pip. Hi." He shook my hand and let us in.

Holly must've been here before because she actually knew the way. We arrived in a huge hall and the band was having a soundcheck. We kept standing in the back and just watched. They were really good. Well of course they are, they are playing in a band of a popstar.

First the drummer was playing a beat and then soon enough the bass joined, followed by the guitar and keys. It sounded really good but there still weren't any singers.

"They are just jamming right now. They are always fooling around before the actual soundcheck begins."

"What? Really? So this is not a song? Damn they are really good."

They stopped and two backing singers stepped on stage. They played the same thing over and over again. And finally Jess appeared all of sudden out of nowhere. I recognized this song. It was wild. And damn that girl sang. I guess Holly caught me whilst I was fangirling a bit as she nudged me.

I laughed at Holly as she tried to mimic Jess when all of sudden the singing stopped, followed by a loud noise as the microphone fell down. I looked back at the stage and there was Jessie freezing on point and staring at me. I awkwardly waved at her because I don't know what else to do. I mean I couldn't go on the stage because of all those barriers. Jessie then disappeared behind the stage. The whole band looked confused. Well I was too. Before I could ask Holly where Jessie went I practically fell to the ground. A person ran me over from behind. The scent smelled quite familiar. Jessie.

"Fuck I'm sorry, I didn't mean tuckle you down. Are you okay? I thought you'd.."

A weight lifted up from my back and I got up.

"Shut up and hug me." I interrupted and finally has the girl, I drove crazy over, in my arms.

"I missed you." I whispered in her ear.

I wanted to loose the grip and look her in the eyes but she was still holding on so tightly. Not complaining, I loved her being close to me.

"Jessie, let go of Pepper. She can't breathe anymore" well of course Holly had to ruin it. Jessie immediately pulled away and blushed.

"Don't worry it's okay" I reassured her.

"I'm sorry, it's just.. Unreal."

"I'm to 99% sure that I'm real?"

"What's with the other 1%?" Holly asked.

"Well a part of me believes that I have superpowers and am not human."

They both laughed even though it wasn't supposed to be a joke but I just laughed with them. Holly then went and greeted some other people. It was first awkwardly silent between the two of us.

"I still can't believe it!! Like how? When? Why? "

"Ehr it's a Iong story.."

"You know what, just tell me how long you're staying"

"I have seven days left till I have to fly back."

"Wow! ..Can I take you out tonight?" I choked at her direct question. Of course I'd expected us to go out and do things together but it just took me by surprise.

"I'd love to." Now it was my time to blush. Why does it feel like those damn highschool times? When everything is just embarrassing? I mean Jessie and I know each other pretty good by now.

"Cornish, back on stage!! We are already behind the time!" Someone called up in a stressed voice.

"Damn it! I got to go." She kissed my cheek and went away. She then appeared from the corner again "wow.  ..I can't believe this." She smiled.

"Jessica!!" The voice now sounded really mad and both Jessie and me pulled a shocked face.

I watched her on stage during the soundcheck and our eyes kept locked for most of the time.

She was right, it feels unreal.
Sorry for the quite long wait. Hope I can keep updating this fanfic before everything gets stressy in school and I have to finish it before I move away this summer.
Well, vote if you like it and leave a comment or whatevs ✌

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