Chapter 9

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that night Jessie stayed at mine again. according to her my place is not that far away from the studio than the hotel and she told me about her hate of hotels that I really couldn't share. isn't it good to have it clean all the time and getting breakfast each morning?

we sleep in one bed but it was more like a friendly thingy. we don't cuddle up or even touch. both of us got one side of the bed. that is what she is to me right now. a good friend who I can have fun with. I got awakened by some noises coming out of the kitchen.

I heard Jessie screaming. I got up confused. I put on my gown and went into the kitchen.

nothing would have prepared me for that what i saw next. Jessie was standing on a chair. she was holding a spoon in her right hand trying to protect herself against something. it must have been a ghost or whatever because I couldn't see any danger. her face was petrified.

she noticed my presence as I burst out laughing at her. she glared at me. I took me a few seconds to come back to my normal self and spoke up.

"what's going on in here then?"

apparently she wasn't able to speak so she pointed into a direction. I looked there where she pointed at.

there was sitting Kevin looking scared as hell.

"oh my god! Kevin! what has she done to you? are you okay? come on little man. don't be afraid. I'm here now." I picked him up and stroke him gently. Kevin is my rat pet. he is white with two bigger black spots on his back.

my gaze went back to Jessie and she stared at me in disbelief.

"Jessie meet Kevin my rat, Kevin meet Jessie my friend. she's staying here for a while now because she hates hotels."

Jessie climped down from the chair.she was still unable to speak. "I don't expect you to be best friends but I would appreciate it if you won't kill him with a spoon. look how scared you made him."

she nodded and I put him back into his cage.

we ate breakfast together but Jessie still kept silent. this was so unlike her.

"Jessie does it bother you a lot that I have a rat?"

she looked up from her plate

"if I'm honest, yes it bothers me. a rat must carry a lot of diseases with themselves and it's running around in the kitchen where we cook and that's gross. just apart from the fact that they are ugly animals and a plague."

well hello new side of Jessie. I'm not gonna lie it kinda hurts that she thinks so low of rats. but most people does so it's not that surprising.

"to Kevin's offense. I can tell you to 100% that he has no diseases. he's not a rat from the damn street. rats are one of the most socially and intelligent species. oh and in my opinion he is cute."

she then said something insulting to rats again but I didn't listen anymore. I got that habit of ignoring people when they are pissing me off. she stormed off whilst throwing words at me. I didn't catch one of them. what is wrong with that girl?

the door banged and I was left alone with silence. I hated it. the silence was shouting at me. I couldn't stand that noise and went out.


you guys are killing me but I keep my promises as long as possible.

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