Book 4: Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

Fortunately for her Heart excelled in the class and agreed to help her with transfigurations.

"It's only your first day Finley," Heart said as the first half the day ended, they now sat in the great hall for lunch. The tables where circular and students were already in cliques of such.

"I'll keep that in mind," Finley grumbled as she glared at the snotty blondes who laughed at Finley during etiquette. Never in her days would have thought that she would hate a simple manners lesson. Though she was taught a few functions forks, she wanted nothing to do with forks at the moment.

"Finley, um. You need a fork for that—"

"Another word about a fork I will eat this by hand," Finley snaps as she hears Veelas laugh at her using a spoon and knife to cut a piece of steak.

To Heart's amusement, her new friend was more stubborn than a mule and she finds all this hilarious.

"Here, let me," Heart offers, taking Finley's plate and slicing it into bite sizes for Finley to use her spoon. The other witch pouted as she felt like she was being treated as a child, her fault really as she refuses to use the bloody fork given to her.

"I'm not normally this immobile," Finley explains growing red as students around them stared at her as if she committed an unforgivable crime.

"I guessed that you're just too stubborn am I correct?" Heart laughs as she pushed the sliced steak towards Finley who looked thankful enough.

She was right, Finley wasn't denying that anytime soon as she started eating her food, not minding the curious stares that came her way from all over the tables.

"So why did you transfer here? Were you expelled?" Heart asked.

Why does everyone think she was expelled? She was a great student at Hogwarts, always early, skipped classes once or twice yes but nevertheless she was first in her class. Not that she would rant this out to her new friend and roommate, but she takes great offence off of that. "I wasn't expelled per say," Finley says as she spooned the piece of stake into her mouth.

"They just decided to transfer me since I can't stop getting myself killed every year," she simply says, of course this perked intrigue to Heart's ears.

"Tell me the story, we have a long lunch break!" Heart insisted, planting her elbows on the table ready for the intriguing story of Finley Potter.

That by the end of the lunch break, Heart was metaphorically rolling on the floor laughing at the incidents Finley went through over the break. "I still believe that the Headmaster was drunk whenever he gives his yearly speeches."

"I could only imagine," Heart giggled. It was refreshing for her to speak to a girl who didn't care about her appearance, it was one reason why she hasn't had a roommate the year before. She would clash with the student who only cared about being pretty.

"Are they normally like this when a new student arrives?" Finley asks as she felt the majority of eyes in the room drop onto her. She could somehow make out the many many french words, and some of them were not complimentary.

"Yes, sorry about that," Heart says as she glares at the snotty students who gave Finley funny looks. "It's not everyday that we get a new student that's not a first year. Like me, they're curious things."

"Can't they just ask directly?"

"It will die down eventually. Snobby as they are, they're very harmless," Heart says as both girls finished their lunches and was off to their next class.

By the end of the day, Finley did not realise her exhaustion until she finally laid on her bed. Classes with the french were intriguing and at the same time boring, the electives she didn't take in Hogwarts last year was mandatory for Beauxbatons. Imagine her surprise when she came across the terms syllabus for Divination, she would need to write a letter to someone at Hogwarts to send in their old text books to get her caught up.

"First day is always the exhausting part of the school year," Heart mentions as she sat on Finley's bed, already in her pyjamas. Dinner was much less than lunch was, it was to be expected seeing as Beauxbatons has their own eating regimes for their students.

"My electives were slightly torture, but I do enjoy them," Finley says as she remembered which electives she chose. Unlike Hogwarts, Beauxbatons' electives were muggle school sujects that Finley almost gawed her eyeballs out by trying to understand human anatomy.

"No one really takes Science classes."

"No one warned me that they were going to show us a live surgery film, if I knew I would've stopped and went to gymnastics," Finley complained. The elective classes weren't going to affect her grades that was a relief, but the idea of every other day having to watch a man get his kidney stone removed, it was going scar her for the rest of her life.

"You can't keep up with gymnastics either, the girls there are vicious," Heart says.

"What electives did you take?"

"Music," she smiles, pointing at a guitar in the corner of their room that stood next to a full body mirror. Finley huffed again, she really didn't think that having regular electives were that hard to keep up with, but then who in their right mind would think that watching someone doing surgery on another human's guts. She was imagining her best friends laughing at her now.

"Muggles who go to med school watch it live, you should be lucky that you're not the one doing them," Heart points out.

"I rather have my eyes removed and my hands severed than do that myself," Finley deadpans, rubbing her eyes before sitting up again, getting off her bed. "I should write to my brother, he must be worried sick."

"You do that," Heart yawned as she settled herself on her bed slowly falling asleep. Finley envied Heart for falling asleep in matter of minutes, just last year she can't seem to find the need of sleep in her body, she blames the nightmares.

She clutched onto the necklace of the three headed snake sigil on her neck and sighed, for now she knew that her nightmares were suppressed with it. Her last lesson in occlumency with Dumbledore said as much. Now she was able to suppress such negative emotions well enough to forget that they even existed.

She made her way towards the changing corner, carrying a pair of pyjamas. Releasing her hair from the bun she did for her hair as it was mandatory during her etiquette class earlier that day. She later on sat down on her desk that faces the window, Hades her owl perched on the stand next to it staring at her curiously.

"I'm sending you on a long trip, when you get back I'll have treats for you to get stuffed on," she tell the owl as if he could understand her.

She took out a parchment and a quill and ink jar, then she started writing.

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