'So what's on the schedule for today Robbie?'

'I'm getting picked up at ten thirty to go down to Madison Square Garden. We'll probably just mooch around for a bit, check out the venue when it's empty which is really cool. Quinn and I will probably end up posting stuff on our stories anyway so you'll get to see some of it.'

'That's so cool! I've never been to Madison Square Garden when it's empty, and getting to stand up on the stage and see how big the place is sounds amazing.'

Robbie grins bashfully, not really sure of what to say in response to Chloe. I can see on his face that it's starting to hit home what he's going to be doing tonight.

'If you're so excited about seeing it, you're more than welcome to come along. We'll probably go and do some exploring afterwards, we are in New York after all.'

Chloe's eyes light up at Robbie's offer, but then she remembers something and her excitement fades.

'I'd love to, but I'm meeting some friends today. I thought Noah would want to go with you -'

'I thought I'd give him some space. I could also really do with not having to do anything for a bit, I've been going non stop since we wrapped up shooting the new season.'

Robbie takes a sip from his glass of juice, as Chloe nods in understanding at what I've said. Mom appears behind Robbie with a plate stacked with some of the best looking pancakes he'll have ever seen.

'There we go, enjoy!'

'Wow, okay these look amazing. Thanks so much!'

'It's my pleasure Robbie. If you want more, just give me a shout.'

Robbie nods, a huge grin on his face. I love how he can also get just as excited about food as I do. He starts wolfing down the pancakes as I dig into my bowl of cereal I'd made whilst him and Chloe had been talking.

Robbie comes back up for air, his mouth still full of pancake.

'Oh my god - these are so good. I can't believe you can have this every morning.'

Chloe and I share a grin as we watch him devour the plate in front of him.

'You might wanna slow down, if you choke on those I'll never live down being responsible for the death of a famous person.'

Robbie rolls his eyes, his mouth still full. I turn my attention back to my own breakfast. As much as I said I needed a break from everything, I kinda don't want a break from Robbie. Especially after that little thing he did with his leg last night.

Of course I noticed it, but I didn't want to scare him off. So I figured if I gave him a few hours alone, I could try to figure out the best way to phrase what I wanna say to him. And it also gives me some extra time to finalise my plan for tonight, after the gig.

*Later that Afternoon*

I spent the majority of the morning and early afternoon helping my mom around the house, and finally started clearing up my room. Seeing as I'd spent months on set, my bedroom had accumulated a lot of the crap I'd brought back with me on the odd weekends I got to go home, and it was in need of good clean.

I'd been texting Robbie all the way throughout the tasks I'd been doing, kinda breaking the whole idea that I wanted to give him a break. I'd also been checking Instagram religiously, as Robbie had told me before he left that Cade wanted him to post a lot more content on his story to reel in more people.

I'd loved all the videos and pictures he'd been putting on his story, as they all just screamed 'Robbie'. Even though he'd been told to post them to I assume 'build his professional image', he was just showing everyone how much of a down to earth guy he is. He was wearing pretty much the same clothes he'd worn when I first met him, but with the addition of a plain black baseball cap.

Wait For Me to Come Home (Noah Schnapp x Gay Male OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now