Book 4: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Do you want me to help you with anything Mrs Weasley?" She offers. The woman surprised at her sudden appearance, "Oh Finley."

The red headed woman was wiping her hands in her apron, behind her was a bowl and a pan, if she guessed right she was making pancakes. "Are you making muggle pancakes? My I help?" Finley suggested grabbing a plate and a spatula.

Mrs Weasley smiled and went right on to let her help, "You go on ahead with the pancakes and I'll make some bacon and eggs for Arthur."

With the task divided, Finley went on and did her best in making the pancakes, making sure to add some bits of fruits on top of them for balanced health, but really it was for aesthetic.

"Finley!" She heard a familiar squeal, her gaze shot up to the front door and saw her best friend Hermione. She smiled placing down the pancakes on the table and ran to her best friend.

"Mione!" She squealed tackling the other girl in a hug. The sight was refreshing to see that the girls were happy to see each other, especially now that Finley won't be seeing her best friends for the last time before going to France.

"It's so good to see you!" She told Hermione who couldn't stop hugging her.

"You think I'm not glad to see you? You're leaving me with two idiots," Hermione retorts causing them both to be in a giggling fit. "How lost they would be without you," Finley remarked knowing fully well how the her brother and his best friend were like without their smart friend.

Mrs Weasley loved seeing the two girls reuniting again, but the sun was coming up and it was time to wake the rest of the house up if they wanted to go on the journey. "Finley, Hermione. Why don't you wake everyone up, you have a long day to get to the World cup."

"Are you sure Mrs Weasley?" Finley asked concerned, there would still be one more stack of pancakes to make but the older woman waved her hand at her.

"Go on and get ready too," the Weasley matriarch shooed the girls.

"You know, when you all said that we were taking a hike, I didn't think we would go through the woods," Finley complained as she was on Harry's back who she bribed to carry her for buying him and Ron a pair of omnioculars at the World cup.

"You're one to talk I'm the one carrying your royal fatness," Harry grumbled under his breath as he adjusted his hold on Finley. She wasn't that heavy really, in fact she was surprisingly light for someone as tall as her, but of course she was a bit shorter than Harry meaning his manly ego wasn't completely crushed yet.

"Pip pip Harold, you do not spout nonsense here," she teased patting Harry's hair and cringed.

"Would it kill you to cut your hair though?" She asked him taking a fist full of his hair in her hand tugging it gently.

"Not the hair! I'm trying to grow it out like Bill's!"

She bursts out laughing as it was actually hilarious to hear that her brother was trying something only Bill Weasley can do, and it was make long hair fabulous on him. "You're starting to look like Padfoot though," she points out ruffling his hair and finally deciding to get down from his back.

"He is looking up to either of them really so you don't need to get all confunded," Ron said as he gave Finley her backpack whilst walking next to Harry who fixed his bag on his back.

"He looks ridiculous with long hair," she said towards Hermione and Ginny who were walking together.

"He does really," Hermione nodded giving Ginny a look as both older girl saw as how the youngest Weasley was staring at Harry as if he was the sun, moon, and stars.

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