Well that's a surprise.✅

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(A/N the song🔝just because it's good and I got distracted while looking for the others.)

Hermione sat in her and Ginny's room, staring at the ceiling, nothing to do.

She had finished all of her homework before she came to Grimmauld and was now completely lost when it came to what to do.

Now, usually, she would just go downstairs and talk to Ginny, or Ron, or any of the others. Today, however, all of the others were working on their summer homework under the close supervision of Mrs.Weasley.

She had been sent away from the kitchen and told to relax because she had earned it from completing her work early.

What? Relax? As a reward for doing something that she needed to do? Why couldn't she stay and help the others or something?

She had asked that question to Mrs.Weasley, as well, and had been told that it was unfair to make her help the others just because she already knew what they needed to do, having complete it first thing.

She huffed as she turned over, face in pillow, and gave a frustrated muffled scream. She hit her fists into the pillow by her head and then looked up, messy hair all in her face.

"I need to do something."


Hermione had been thinking for a good 40 minutes before she figured out what to do.

She remembered the day that this all, really, started and her face lit up in realisation.

"No one's been back up to the music room since that day when we found Harry. There could be clues there just waiting to be found!"

She jumped from her position on the bed and rushed out of the room, accidentally slamming the bedroom door as she went.

She all but flew up the stairs as she tried to remember exactly where the music room had been.

After opening, or rather trying to, several doors she finally found the correct one.

She entered quickly and looked around, confused when she saw that all of the instruments were gone.

"What? But we all saw them! How could a giant piano just disappear?!"She began pacing, furiously muttering under her breath as she practically wore through the flooring.

A loud 'pop' startled her from her muttering sand she turned to see Kreacher just about to take a box, that she hadn't previously noticed, out of the room.

"Kreacher! Stop!" The grumpy old elf turned to her and glared.

"Filthy Mud! You don't order me!" He went to snap his fingers to, no doubt, cause her some sort of gross bodily harm.

Hermione held her hands out apologetically. "I'm sorry! Okay? I just want to know what you're doing with that box and where all the instruments have gone?" She looked around the room with her arms spread wide, as if to emphasise her point.

Kreacher looked to consider her for a moment before answering vaguely.

"Great Master Greenleaf asked that room be cleared and taken to his new home after he left. I's just finishing moving last box."

"Can I look in the box?" She moves slightly closer with hand a tad outstretched. She didn't seem to realise that he'd just declared someone other than the Blacks to be his Master.

"No! Filthy Mud would break things inside! You's not allowed to touch the box!" He stood fiercely in front of the box, prepared to retaliate if she tried anything.

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