Discovery ✅

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The large group approached the fourth floor and was now exceedingly curious, at this point Sirius gasped and everyone turned to look at him,

"what in merlins beard could it be this time,  Sirius, it's quite important that we find out what that noise is and I for one will not stop for your whims "insisted Minerva with a barely there scowl.

"I just figured out where the noise is coming from I just can't quite figure out why it would be there"replied a confused Sirius.

"Well just lead us to where it is then, my boy" encouraged Dumbledore.

Sirius nodded and then made his way past the group heading towards the stairs, the group looked curious as to his sudden new interest in the situation and followed behind Sirius as he progressed to the next floor.

As they reach the fifth floor they could all hear the sound much louder and suddenly realised that it wasn't all screaming some of it was with words. Then as a group- as one- they all edged towards the far end of which Sirius was directing them to.

Sirius took a moment to breathe before turning to everyone else holding his fingers to his lips, in a sign that they should be quiet. Everyone else nodded in agreement and Sirius stepped forward to gently push the door open enough so that everyone could look inside, what they saw greatly shocked the group.

There standing on the grand piano was their Harry, screaming his heart out as he strum against the wires of the guitar and screamed his lungs off.

The adults all took a moment to turn to the younger kids with a questioning look for some kind of answer.

Hermione looked up to the adults and told them exactly what she thought about their assumptions with her eyes.

The adults looked away, well the smart ones anyway.
Sirius persisted, "did you know about this Hermione?"
She glared at him for his assumptions, before sighing and shaking her head, she could see why he would think that she would know about something like this. Sirius sighed in apparent relief, glad that they were all just as in the dark about this side of Harry as he was.

Turning back to the door, they watched as Harry's song came to an end and, they were just about to approach when they saw the flare of something foreign in his eyes.

The group held their breath as they watch to see what he would do.

Everyone startled as Harry suddenly had a burst of anger and threw the guitar forcefully across the room causing it to shatter, they then watched as he got off the piano went over and continue to smash the guitar to pieces.

Unsure how they should react to the situation the group retreated and headed back down the stairs.

Once everyone was in the kitchen there was complete silence. No one could quite process what they had just seen and heard, Sirius was the one to break the silence again, this time asking the question that was on all their minds;
"What the hell was up with that song? Why would Harry be singing something like that?"

The adults looked unsure and turned to face the children.

Surprisingly it was George who answered, not that the others could tell as Harry was the only one who could tell the twins apart.

"He's upset of course, to think none of you idiots have noticed "at the questioning look on everyone's faces George sighed and sat in the chair ready to explain.

"Every time he is grumpy there's always a reason, he doesn't just have irrational bursts of grumpiness or anger. I could probably also have a pretty accurate guess on what this is about".

"oh, what is it?"  Sirius practically ground out in frustration as George avoided giving a literal answer to them.

"he's lonely" "what?!"was heard from most everyone at the table.

Fred joined in at this point to help out his brother.

"Well you see that..."
"Our dear little harrykins..."
"Is in love..."
"And he's going to be angry..."
"And really frustrated..."
"Until he gets to be back with that special someone who he completely adores..."
"And all we can do at this point is put up with all his..."
"Angsty hormone induced..."

The twins finished, all faces looking back at them in confusion before it clicked in Severus' mind and he gasped drawing all attention to himself before letting out a low chuckle.

"Ah, so that's the reason why he's so bratty, he's having withdrawals from this secret girlfriend of his?"

That sentence pushed clarification towards the brains of the other occupants of the room and Severus smirked as they all paled, flushed or gawped at the thought of Harry having some secret girlfriend and that he had not entrusted them with the knowledge of her existence.

Ron went to open his mouth and just like that all of room burst into noise.

(A/N more to come, bear with me)

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