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Mystery POV

I slowly woke up, groggy and half-asleep. I turned over expecting to feel nothing there, when my arm brushed against something warm.

Opening my eyes fully, I looked over to the right side of the bed and my breath escaped me. My love had returned. Why? When? How?

But at this moment the fleeting questions passed away from my thoughts and all I could do was admire the beauty of the being laying asleep before me. Soft morning light brushed over his eyelids and illuminated his fair skin from the opening in the bed drapes.

I smiled,thinking 'he's all mine!', as I moved closer and pulled him to my body, settling down to rest within his arms, as they moved naturally to encircle me.

I buried my nose in his hair, smelling the scent of my mate, my one and only love. A content smile crossed my face and I once again drifted off to sleep.


Harry woke up slowly, content to stay in the warmth of where he was.

Looking towards the source of the warmth Harry smiled, just now noticing the strong arms wrapped around him.

Harry shifted slightly, moving up to bury his face in his lovers neck and sighed in content as the comforting scent enveloped him.

The person shifted slightly and the arm previously wrapped around Harry's waist began to card through his hair. Harry melted into the touch and leant towards the hand. A low rumble came from the chest he was on and Harry shifted to see their face.

"Morning love", was whispered in a low husky voice. Harry smiled and kissed the palm of the hand which was now stroking his cheek;
"Morning Fen".

Harry leaned up and placed a lingering kiss on the man's lips, beginning to move away, before his lover rose to meet his lips again and deepened the kiss.

Harry felt a brush at his lips and parted them slightly allowing the entrance of his love's probing tongue. The invading tongue swept through his mouth dominating the kiss as he mapped every part of Harry's mouth. Their tongues slid together and Harry's tongue was slowly encouraged into the others mouth, his lover sucked on Harry's tongue causing him to moan in arousal. When their need for air finally became apparent, they slowly pulled away from one another, panting lightly from their heated kiss.

The man stretched as he shifted Harry to the side, ending up hovering above him.
"We need to get up Fen", moaned Harry as his lover started kissing down his neck.

"Says who", challenged his lover as he continued down Harry's body, lavishing it with attention.

With the OoTP

Sirius slowly rose from bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, not bothering to change out of his pajamas as he went.

Sitting down at the table, Sirius sat silently, pondering Harry's absence.

Suddenly Sirius' mind flashed back to the letter and he gasped, getting a curious disbelieving look in his face.

Sirius stood abruptly from the table and went to get Harry's letter from the drawing room, where it had been left the previous night.

Scanning its contents, Sirius found what he had been looking for. Making his way back into the kitchen, where everyone, even the order was now gathered, Sirius slammed the letter on the table.

Conversation stopped abruptly as everyone turned questioning eyes on Sirius.

"Explain something to me,"Sirius demanded, before being interrupted by Dumbledore;

"What is it my boy?"

Sirius got a glint in his eye," how is it that no one questioned this letter?!"

"I don't understand, what do you mean Sirius?", queried Flitwick.

"How is it that none of us realised that Harry has told us to ask his 'dad' for answers to any of our questions?!"

There was a moment of silence before the room erupted, everyone clambering to reread the offending letter.

There was a collective gasp when the occupants of 12 Grimmauld place realised that Sirius was correct.

"What could this mean albus?" Questioned professor Mcgonogall.

Dumbledore had a curious look on his face as he thought.

"I'm not sure my dear, as everyone knows, James passed away, so how could we possibly question him?"

"Because James wasn't Harry's father." Came a new voice as Severus entered the kitchen, having just arrived.

"You don't know what you're talking about Snape! Harry looks just like James and lily would never have an affair!" Fumed Sirius, as he tried to defend his friend, Remus nodding along with the rest of the kitchens occupants who agreed.

"You're right, partially... but James was not Harry's father because he was Harry's bearer and Harry only has Lily's eyes because of the killing curse, originally Harry's eyes were more of a bluish green colour- lily is of no relation to Harry."Stated Severus in a firm tone.

All of the occupants of the kitchen stood there gaping at Severus, until finally Albus spoke up.

"Severus, my boy, how can you be sure of this when you hardly ever even spoke to them, except in passing arguments" chastised Albus.

Severus seethed,"Albus, I'm 'sure' of this because I know for a fact that lily and James were just close friends and their wedding was staged- they weren't even married- for crying out loud! James was gay!"

"That's a lie!" Roared Sirius as he approached Snape,
"He never would have kept something like that from us Snivellus!"

"Really?" Severus asked amused. " Then how come he never told you his real name? Or even who he was actually married to, huh black?"

"What?" Stuttered Sirius as he moved away from Severus."H-He was called James Charlus Potter!"

"He was called James Charlus Ignotus Potter-Snape" revealed Severus as he got a satisfied smirk on his face, being able to reveal Black's ignorance of his supposed best friend.

Sirius' face contorted to one of pain as he realise what Severus' confession meant.

The smirk on Snape's face was enough to make Sirius slump back into his chair in defeat. The other occupants of the room looked back and forth between them trying to figure out what conclusion Sirius had just come to.

Severus, getting frustrated at the idiocy and slow thinking of the people in the room, finally put their minds to rest as he stated;

"Oh Merlin! You really are a bunch of dunderheads! James Potter married ME, I am Harry's biological father, and for the record- James Potter-Snape did not die that night!" Before storming from the premises muttering about "dunderheads" and "idiots".

(A/N Please comment and follow me for more!)

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