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"I can't wait until tonight!" Fenrir flopped down in the grass in midday sun, beside Harry who was making flower chains.

"What's so special about tonight?" Harry questioned curiously as he place a flower crown on Fenrir's head.

"The dawn eclipse" Fenrir said simply.

"What?" Harry was confused, he recognised the term but was unfamiliar of its origins.

"It's an old werewolf legend" Fenrir turned on his side, leaning into his elbow as he watched Harry's nimble fingers weaving another crown together.

"Tell me?" Harry looked across briefly before finishing his own crown and placing it on his head as he turned to lay his head across Fenrir's lap.

"Okay, it's called the tale of Der Vollmond" Fenrir smiled indulgently at Harry's interest, "What's vollmond?"
"It means full moon,Love" He let his hand caress Harry cheek.
"A thousand years ago, a lone wolf ran with the wind, he was a fearsome warrior and protected the land from mortals who wished harm upon the beings that lived there. He fought war after war, defending the creatures that lived there from harm. Elves, fae, elementals and many more wonderful creatures. He heard rumour of a mortal tribe, inhabiting a nearby Grassland, in the plunge of the valley, just bordering the land he patrolled. One evening he went to scout out their camp. He moved silently through the shadows unnoticed by the cautious eyes of man. He came upon a structure, right on the edge of the camp and curious of the silence permeating the air, he entered. It was a trick. The mortals had seen him and laid in wait of his arrival to capture him. Upon entering the structure he was pounced upon and bound. He was held for many a year in captivity, forced to watch as they decimated his territory, hunted the magical creatures and destroyed all that he fought to protect. It was upon the 106th full moon passed that a young maiden found him. Delicate angelic features shining with beauty, her platinum hair glowed with the moon, blue crystal eyes shining with sorrow and understanding of the poor wolves suffering. The maiden came to him every eve and tended to him, making him stronger, healthier. It was two moons later that he made his move, he pounced upon a man, one of the ones who he had seen carrying the body of his fallen brethren from the forest and ripped his throat out. Mad with rage and finally able to take it out on them, he stalked the village, killing all the men who had taken part in his prolonged emotional torture. The maiden, having seen his rage, lead the women and children into the deep forest where the last of the magical creatures hid, seeking the safety of the deep woods to shield them. She left the kind women with instructions to heal the creatures as best they could and made her way back to the camp. There she found the countless torn apart bodies of the wolves tormentors, increasing in gruesome appearance as she tread further in. When she reached the middle of camp she saw him, golden coat glistening with red droplets, both his pain and that of the men he'd killed. She raced to his side, speaking of the creatures that she had found to have survived, the women and children that were tending to them, the beauty of the deep untouched forestry. The wolf began to calm, allowing his guard down when with the beautiful maiden. That was a mistake. Too quick for him to stop, an arrow shot through the air and impaled the maiden, who quickly became covered in blood from where she had been struck through the chest. The wolf howled in agony. The sight of the beautiful maiden fading away, too much to bear. He pounced upon the one who harmed her, more viscous than he was to any others. When he rounded on the maiden he found her reaching out to him, looking up to the stars. He whimpered in terror at the thought of losing her before he even had a chance to have her. He was losing his mate, his moon. She ran her fingers through his fur humming an eerie melody as she faded away. A light floated up from her body, her hand dropping limp to the ground. The wolf watched the light, eyes full of sorrow and unshed tears, as it moved high in the sky. It melted into the translucent image of the maiden, floating ethereal before the moon casting a glow brighter than the moon itself as she spoke, her voice like bells. She told him how brave he was, how he had protected the forest and that the creatures would survive, that the women and children would help them once again grow. She reached out her hand to him, silver pools of tears cascading down both their cheeks as her fingertips touched the cold of his nose. A bright light engulfed them as the the wolf's body dropped to the ground, curled protectively around the maiden's own. His golden light moving to where she stay floating in the moon. He formed into a silhouette of his wolf and then changed again, growing into the ethereal man that physical bindings had prevented him from becoming. He brought her body closer to his own, holding her close as they both faded into the light of the moon, forever together. Safe from the poisons of mortal affairs. Watching over the children of the moon and blessing unions between destined mates every dawn eclipse. Which as it happens is tonight."

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