Pack ✅(5/14)

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Harry took a bite from his bowl of melon cubes and strawberries, savouring the fresh flavour of his favourite fruit salad.

A tap on the table next to his place setting had his attention turning to the older male beside him.

"Hm?" He raised a brow at his husband, his mouth too full to offer any verbal probe.

Fenrir sat back and folded his hands across his lap, his elbows on the arms of his chair, while he looked at him searchingly.

"We're going to be having some people over today, my pack, or, rather, the pack that I spend the most time with."

Harry nodded at what Fenrir said and swallowed his mouthful, clearing his throat to speak.

"Well, then, I'm excited to meet them. When are they going to arrive?" He asked in response, looking at the other male with acute interest.

"Sometime after breakfast, an hour to an hour and a half after we're done."

Harry nodded and picked up another piece of melon with his fork.

"Well, despite the short notice," he levelled Fenrir with a frown, "I'm happy to meet them. I'll be spending time with Taiga this morning, then maybe some sunbathing. Just come and inform me when they're here."


Harry was soaking up the sun, from a sun lounger on the deck, beside the pool.

He had a loose fitting light-material white shirt, with blue swimming shorts and sunglasses.

He had been playing with Taiga for an hour before the heat really picked up.

Due to the increased temperature, his familiar had taken shelter in the tree line. Close enough to still see, but out of the hot ray of sun.

He had been sunning himself for about an hour, when it suddenly went darker, causing him to open his eyes and look curiously at the object obscuring the light.

Above him stood a large, intimidating (to anyone else) wolf.

The wolf was a tall male and Harry realised that he was likely one of the members of the group that Fenrir had said would be visiting.

With that in mind, Harry stood from where he had been relaxing and placed a smile upon his face, holding his hand out in a polite greeting.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Hadrian, and you?"

The man looked between his outstretched hand and his face, his mouth curling up into a snarling expression.

"Don't." Harry's smile faltered at the tone in the man's voice. "I know who you are." He looked Harry up and down with a turned lip. He then stepped closer, invading Harry's personal space to the extreme as he glared darkly down at him. "You're playing my alpha. I'm onto you."

Harry's smile was completely gone by this point, the pleasant attitude giving way to annoyance.

He stepped around the man, forcefully extending his arm to shove him out of his personal space and further away on the deck.

*whistle* he gave one loud, sharp whistle, keeping his eyes locked on the rude visitor.

Fur brushing his hand alerted him to the fact that Taiga had arrived at his side. Harry relaxed with the Tiger beside him and turned his eyes away from the man, though Taiga's own remained fixed to the stranger.

Harry leant close to his familiar and stroked his fingers through the scruff of his monochrome neck, relaxing ever so slightly.

"Taiga, I need you to guard him. You have permission to attack, if he moves or tries to leave."

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