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Tom's PoV

I lay within my bed comfortably. My sheets are pulled up to my shoulders and the comforter is tucked warmly around the top.

I turn my head slightly and my nose twitches lightly as it brushes against fluffy white hair, the sensation tickling my face as the fluffy whiteness moves slightly.

I adjust my position slightly and tighten my arms around the smaller warm body, tucked firmly into my side.

Leaning into the smooth hair, I take a deep breath and enjoy as the, aphrodisiac like, scent invades my senses. The smell of old oak, melted chocolate and something spicy that smells distinctly of home, encases me as I bury my nose deeper.

I am broken from my trance when the body in my arms trembles slightly and curls closer, pulling my warmth towards them.

Shifting my arms slowly, I wrap them over the beauty beside me and use my magic to push warmth towards his body.

His face relaxes as he melts into the warmth and shifts closer, now leaving us joined from top to toe.

I let my eyes drift slowly shut and release the stress from my shoulders, slumping towards the comfort radiating from the, now warmed up, body of my Draco.

Finally drifting off I wonder, fleetingly, what it would be like to be open about our relationship.



Hot excruciating pain, is what next wakes me.

I gasp a breath as the pain increases and I struggle to move out of Draco's limpet hold. I reach blindly for the side of my large, plush bed and give an agonisingly startled yelp, as I slip through the sheets and hit the thinly carpeted hardwood flooring below.

I hear movement behind me but pay it no mind as I try to push myself back onto my feet.

Getting my feet underneath myself, I try to push weight into my legs but, the pain increasing debilitates my depth perception and upon trying to shuffle forwards, I lose the last strength of my body and crumble forwards, falling from where I had managed to stagger into a semi-upright stance.

A loud THUNK is heard as my head impacts on the corner of the bedside table, black dots swimming in and out of my vision as I attempt to stay conscious.

The edges of my sight begin to dim and all I can see is a blurry head of platinum white hair as my Draco rushes towards me.

Giving in, I feel as he lifts my head from the ground and then NOTHING.

Draco's POV

I hum in slight approval and curl towards the warmth of Thomas' side as my body warms and releases a wave of love and comfort into the room, my magic floating lazily in the air, humming against Thomas'.

I feel as his body slackens and smile, slightly, where my face is pressed into his chest.

I allow myself to be pulled back under the veil of sleep.


I startled awake, not sure of the cause of my sudden awareness.

I blindly feel around on the bed beside me and my brow furrows as I don't feel my Tommy next to me.

Opening my eyes slightly, I can see a silhouette on the floor on the other side of the bed.

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