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The occupants of the kitchen turned as one to watch as the two teens reentered the kitchen. Harry made a beeline for his chair while Hermione walked awkwardly around the table as all the attention was on them.

Taking his seat, Harry turned to the group putting a questioning look into his face;


Everyone went back to what they were doing apart from; Snape who kept watching him from the other side of the room, Sirius and Remus who gave him a funny look before going back to eating and the other teens around him.

Soon becoming absorbed in a conversation with Ginny and Hermione, Harry finished breakfast quickly and almost managed to forget that Hermione was going to be telling everyone about his lover after he left, almost being the key word here.

Watching as everyone finished breakfast and trying to ignore as gradually every pair of eyes had eventually settled on him, Harry continued his conversation with the girls for a few more minutes before excusing himself from the table and leaving the room. He left the room, which had descended into silence,  with no envy towards his bushy haired friend for being stuck in that situation.

Harry made his way up the stairs and when he finally reached his bedroom (he had requested to be separate from Ron) he threw up numerous parseltongue locking and privacy wards to keep out the stampede that could potentially try to enter, better safe than sorry Harry thought.

In the kitchen

As The door closed behind Harry with a click everyone turned to look at Hermione, their questions covering the expanse of their faces like a mask.

"So..."the twins began,
"What did our dear..."
"...Harrykins have to say..."
"...And what did you ask him?"

Everyone remained quiet as they were all seriously curious about what Harry had to say for himself.

"Harry doesn't have a girlfriend-"
Hermione was abruptly cut off by sighs of relief from all the occupants of the room and boo's from the twins as they had been sure that he had a girlfriend.

"-but!" ,Hermione announced loudly,"he is in a relationship so you guys weren't wrong."

The twins cheered at being right while everyone else gasped softly, some more pronounced than others.

The adults all looked shocked that their saviour had some secret relationship that they were unaware of while the kids gasped at the fact that Harry hadn't decided to tell them about being in a relationship.

"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Queried Remus as he processed what he's just been told.

"Actually", Hermione sighed, "he had a very good reason not to..."

"Like what?" Ron bellowed,
"Ron don't-"
"No! I want to know what was such a good reason that my best mate kept me in the dark about this secret girlfriend tosh!"
"He doesn't have a girlfriend Ron!"
"But you said-"

"HE'S GAY!!" Hermione shouted in exasperation, this time everyone at the table gasped, including the twins.

"What?" Whispered Ron.

Hermione sighed; "he's gay Ron and given the nature of his relationship, I don't blame him for not saying anything, along with his age-" Hermione cut herself off abruptly, realising her slip up.

"What do you mean his age? Harry's old enough to be in a relationship! What do you-"

Hermione cut Ron off, " I'm not talking about Harry's age Ron..."

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