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The two males quickly cast strong obscures charms upon their faces as they proceeded into the alley. Not wanting it known that THE Harry Potter has been in Knockturn alley. Rumours like that could ruin a man's reputation, literally.

Moving further into the alley, the two stuck close to the shadows, steering clear of any of the festering dark witches and wizards who lurked in the dank dimly lit alley, waiting for some unlucky soul to accidentally wander their way.

The smaller of the two suddenly stopped and looked straight at the glass of the shop on the other side of the alley from himself and his companion.

He moved towards the store, the other man following closely behind him, on guard to every perceivable threat posed to the smaller male, in the immediate vicinity, as far as he could see or sense.

The smaller male swung open the door of the darkened shop, causing the bell hung above the door to jingle, announcing their arrival to wherever the shop owner may be. The shop was very shadowed and strange animalistic sounds came from every direction. Dust coated every surface and there appeared to be a layer of something slimy on a number of the walls.

The larger male growled at the telling noise, which
reduced the feelings of discretion at set his senses off.

Ignoring the musings of the larger male, the smaller man moved further into the sullen store looking into what he now could see were cages or rather enclosures full of different kinds of wonderful animals.

Moving towards the back corner of the store Harry could see a cage which was nearly completely obscured and the strange pull was drawing him ever closure to it. As Harry and Fenrir got closer, a low rumbling growl came from the cage and Harry paused mid stride to listen closer.

Harry could tell that it was something deadly just from its growl.

Moving more cautiously now, Harry crouched slowly and moved further towards the cage making sure that whatever was within would not see him as a threat.

He got writhing a couple of feet to the cage before the growling abruptly stopped and Harry saw something shift inside.

Waiting patiently, Harry watched as a large white tiger emerged from the darkness, standing so that what little light that entered store would shine down upon its head, providing a clear line of sight.

Harry moved slowly, reaching out with his hand ever so carefully, watching the large predator for even the slightest movement of attack.

When nothing happened, he continued forwards until his fingers sunk smoothly into the thick fur or the tiger's neck.

The animal now appeared a lot calmer, it moved its head around until it was making eye contact with Harry. It's eyes pierced into Harry and something clicked in the back of his mind, seemingly reflected in the tiger.

It now moved its head to look behind Harry, gazing curiously at Fenrir who stood a few feet away. The animal growled lightly once more, startling the smaller male, as it made eye contact with the strong alpha werewolf.

They held eye contact for a few prolonged moments more before a seemingly intense battle of wills was over and the tiger bowed its neck in defeat and submission. Fenrir smiled slightly and knelt slowly beside Harry placing his hand through the bars to settle next to Harry's on the scruff of the tigers neck.

He turned to Harry, " This will be a fine familiar, love."

Harry smiled delightedly and nodded in excitement before a curious look crossed his face.

"Is that what the pull was, Fen?"

His love nodded and smiled slightly before straightening up slightly and moving to find the owner of the store.

When they both returned, Fenrir was holding supplies for the tiger while the old man had a set of old keys in his hand.

"Never thought I'd see this one go.. 'aven't 'ad too may people looking for a familiar like this one I tell you!"

Harry was curious as to why anyone could ever not want such a beautiful creature, but then he just chalked it up to being another weird thing with the wizarding world that he'd never understand.

The man moved forward to unlock the cage as Harry stepped back to where Fenrir was shrinking the things for the tiger and putting them in his pocket.

Finally the last lock came undone and the owner stepped back from the open cage as the tiger slunk out, moving smoothly to stand with Harry and Fenrir,

Harry smiled once more and ran his fingers through the tigers fur not having to lean at all to reach as the tigers back easily reached up to his waist in height.
He get a zap of energy as he continue to run his fingers through the tigers fur and as he thought about the weird sensation the tiger looked up at him.

In that moment Harry instinctually knew what the tiger was thinking, he could feel it's wonder through the bond they now shared and looked at where his hand still rested entangled in the fur on its back and smiled a genuine happy smile.

"Alright, that's all paid for. What are you going to call him love?"

"Hmm, how about Howaitotaigā? Taiga for short, it means white tiger.."

Fenrir chuckled, "I think it's quite fitting"

Harry smiled and moved to leave, pausing briefly to secure Taiga's new silver collar around his neck and attach a lead for while they were in public so that the aurors wouldn't be called out. It was against the law to have an unattended or unclaimed large creature in Diagon and the surrounding alley's.

Happy to have found his familiar (A/N Hedwig is just really intelligent and has a close bond with Harry) the couple, as well as Harry's new familiar, left the dingy old shop.

(A/N Thanks to the loyal readers who wait for my super slow updates (I'd be the first to admit that I suck at holding up to regular update schedules)

Again, please;

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