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(Couple days later.)

Harry POV

I crouched down on the sprung hardwood floor and extended my legs to either side, stretching my muscles and relieving the tight knots in the tendons and joints.

I raised my arms above my head and arched my spine in a backwards curve, looking at the wall behind me as I lowered my arms and sat up again.

I continued to stretch for several minutes, making sure to release all of the tense muscles and prevent cramps that would otherwise occur had I not stretched enough beforehand.

When my body felt nimble and relaxed enough, I stood and moved to the table a few feet away. I flicked through the list of songs, contemplating what I wanted to do today.

I continued to search the extensive list for several minutes, various artists both catching and losing my attention as I moved past them. Finally I found a selection that I liked. I set the group of music into a playlist and clicked the play button, moving to the middle of the room as I waited for the track to load.

I thought about the routine and went through it in my head before nodding to myself and looking back up, straight ahead, into the mirrored wall.

The lights in the room buzzed lightly with the bright electrical currents passing through them. I closed my eyes, as I heard the click of the track starting, and took a deep relaxing breath. The buzzing faded out of my awareness, as I focused on the music, and I quickly lost myself to the beat and the feeling of my own movements.


As the song came to an end, I allowed my shoulders to sag in exhaustion. I had woken up this morning to an owl at the window with a letter from Fenrir saying that he would be back later on this evening... something about a pack gathering that he wanted to attend.

The note had arrived just before sunrise and, after reading it, I had been too restless to go back to sleep. I mean, yeah yesterday was exhausting and all, but I didn't really want to sleep in by too much. it would completely throw off my sleeping patterns.

It's an obvious issue. No sleep means a bad attitude, a bad attitude means that I become easily irritated and down right pissed off when something doesn't go my way. Then, that leads to Fenrir and I having a big argument where he ends up sleeping of the sofa or the sun bed outside while I hide in our room.

It's happened before. Regardless of the fact that we reconciled by the end of the next day, it still wasn't an enjoyable experience. That had been during my first summer here, actually. It was just after I had started my own dance and production company, 'Kismet', that the fight had happened. I had been overworking myself to make it a success(with the help of my old mentor Bang PD-nim), which it was, and Fenrir had come along and eaten the food that I'd made myself for lunch. He made me more once he realised that I'd made it for myself, but my temper had already run away with itself and I'd blown a fuse.

We'd both learned a lot that day. Mainly that my food is sacred territory, unless otherwise stated, and that our relationship is both strong and real enough that something like that only made our bond to each other stronger.

I sat down at the side of the room, my back against the cool panelled wall, and took a long sip of water from the drinks bottle that Blippy, one of our house elves, had brought in a little while ago.

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