Beau-Baiser Rose✅

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Harry appeared with a 'crack' and a swirl of heavy material. He straightened his cloak and brushed a little bit of dust from his robes.

Turning on the spot, he took in his surroundings and nodded to himself, glad that he'd ended up in the correct location.

The warm breeze floated around him, ruffling his neatly styled hair, as he took a deep breath of the natural fresh mountain air.

He exhaled a sigh of relief, feeling open and relaxed in his surroundings. Jackson Hole was one of the only places that he'd ever felt so relaxed, even when Fenrir wasn't with him- that in itself was a rare thing.

Harry spread his arms widely, taking one last deep inhale of the clean valley air, before turning around to look at the restaurant behind him.

It was an old, traditionally built restaurant that had been through a modernised conversion on the inside. He had suggested the location for the meeting because he loved the area and the restaurant had amazing views.

Harry first found out about the place when Fenrir brought him there for a weekend away, a couple of years ago. There was a small magical community a few miles away and they had spent a weekend skiing, dining and hiking.

 There was a small magical community a few miles away and they had spent a weekend skiing, dining and hiking

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Inside restaurant👆🏻(Ground floor)

Harry walked up the pathway to the entrance, smiling as he passed some other restaurant goers.

He entered the restaurant and moved towards the attendant that stood behind the registrar desk.

"Hola señor, tiene reservación?"

Harry smiled politely at the middle-aged muggle man.

"Si, tengo una reserva. Debería estar bajo el nombre de Potter."

The man looked through a ledger before smiling politely at Harry and motioning for him to follow, as he moved towards the higher-level, covered balcony.

"Are you English? You have a faint accent."

Harry smiled at his question.

"Yes, I am. I'm here for a business meeting with some other Lords."

The man smiled in understanding, the restaurant had a strict client privacy protocol, they would not pry past what the client willingly shared.

"My name is Guillen. Have you dined with our establishment before?"

Harry smiled at the man, though Guillen could not see it while he walked in front, as he guided him towards an upstairs table.

"Yes, I have. My recent husband and I came here a year-or-so ago, for a weekend away."

"Congratulations Señor. I trust that you and your husband received good service the previous time you were here?"

"Yes. It was excellent. Though I must admit that it was the view that sold me on this place." Harry smiled at the man and he returned the expression as he nodded in understanding.

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